27.3 Exporting Graphs Into a File

The graph server (PGX) allows the client to export a currently loaded graph into a file.

Using the store() method on any PgxGraph object, the client can specify which file format to store the graph in. The client can also dynamically select the set of properties to be stored with the graph, that is, not all the properties need to be exported. The client can specify a CompressionScheme to use when storing as shown:

Table 27-20 Files CompressionScheme

CompressionScheme Supported Formats
NONE All formats

The client can export to multiple files as well.

When PGX exports the specified graph into a file, PGX also creates a graph config which the client receives as return value. This is to help loading the created graph instance later.

When exporting graph data into multiple files a FileGraphStoringConfig can be used which contains the following JSON fields:

Table 27-21 Graph Configuration when Exporting Graph into Multiple Files

Field Type Description Default
base_path string Base path to use for storing a graph; file paths will be constructed using the following format _._, that is, parent_path/my_graph_1.edges. null
compression_scheme enum[none, gzip] The scheme to use for compression, or none to disable compression. none
delimiter character Delimiter character used as separator when storing. The characters ", {, } and \n cannot be used as delimiters. null
edge_extension string The extension to use when creating edge file partitions. edges
initial_partition_index integer The value used as initial partition index, that is, initial_partition_index=1024 -> my_graph_1024.edges, my_graph_1025.edges. 1
num_partitions integer The number of partitions that should be created, when exporting to multiple files. 1
row_extension string The extension to use when creating row file partitions. rows
vertex_extension string The extension to use when creating vertex file partitions. nodes