17.1.1 Loading a Graph

The following describes the steps for loading a graph:
  1. Create a Session and an Analyst.
    cd /opt/oracle/graph/
    // starting the shell will create an implicit session and analyst
    import oracle.pgx.api.*;
    import oracle.pgx.api.mllib.DeepWalkModel;
    import oracle.pgx.api.frames.*;
    # starting the Python shell will create an implicit session and analyst
  2. Load the graph.


    Though the DeepWalk algorithm implementation can be applied to directed or undirected graphs, currently only undirected random walks are considered.
    opg4j> var instance = GraphServer.getInstance("https://localhost:7007", "<username>", "<password>".toCharArray())
    opg4j> var session=instance.createSession("mySession")
    opg4j> var graph = session.readGraphByName("<graph_name>",GraphSource.PG_VIEW)
    ServerInstance instance = GraphServer.getInstance("https://localhost:7007", "<username>", "<password>".toCharArray());
    PgxSession session = instance.createSession("my-session");
    PgxGraph graph = session.readGraphByName("<graph_name>",GraphSource.PG_VIEW);
    instance = graph_server.get_instance("https://localhost:7007","<username>","<password>")
    session = instance.create_session("my_session")
    graph = session.read_graph_by_name("<graph_name>", "pg_view")