17.7.9 Inferring Vectors for a Graphlet Batch

You can infer the vector representations for multiple graphlets (specified with different graph-ids in a graph) as described in the following code:

opg4j> var graphlet = session.readGraphByName("<graph>", GraphSource.PG_PGQL)
opg4j> var inferredVectorBatched = model.inferGraphletVectorBatched(graphlets)
opg4j> inferredVectorBatched.print()
PgxGraph graphlet = session.readGraphByName("<graph>", GraphSource.PG_PGQL);
PgxFrame inferredVectorBatched = model.inferGraphletVectorBatched(graphlets);
graphlets = session.read_graph_by_name("<graph>", "pg_pgql")
inferred_vector_batched = model.infer_graphlet_vector_batched(graphlets)

The schema is same as for inferGraphletVector but with more rows corresponding to the input graphlets.