27.12.3 Get Active Sessions

serverState.get("sessions") returns an array of current active sessions. Each entry contains information about a session.


The following table explains session information fields:

Table 27-6 Session Information Options

Field Description
sessionID Session ID generated by the graph server (PGX)
source Descriptive string identifying the client session
user Session owner
task_timeout_ms Timeout to interrupt long-running tasks submitted by sessions (algorithms, I/O tasks) in milliseconds. Set to zero for infinity/no timeout.
idle_timeout_ms Timeout of idling sessions in milliseconds. Set to zero for infinity/no timeout.
alive_ms Session's age in milliseconds
total_analysis_time_ms Total session's executing time in milliseconds
state Current session of the session can be Idle, Submitted, Released or Terminating
private_graphs Session bounded graphs
published_graphs Published graphs pointed to from the session


The is_transient field indicates if the graph is transient. A graph is transient if it is not loaded from an external source.