17.5.9 Getting the Training Log for an Unsupervised EdgeWise Model

If you configured a validation step (see Training an Unsupervised EdgeWise Model) earlier, then you can fetch the training log that contains the training and validation loss information.

opg4j> var trainingLog = model.getTrainingLog()
PgxFrame trainingLog = model.getTrainingLog();
training_log = model.get_training_log()

The output frame will be similar to the following example output:

| step  | training_loss      | validation_loss     |
| 100   | 1.5059218406677246 | 0.41696539521217346 |
| 200   | 0.5052874088287354 | 0.3255307078361511  |
| 300   | 0.3264007568359375 | 0.44015955924987793 |