28.1.3 Supported File Access Protocols

The graph server (PGX) supports loading from graph configuration files and graph data files over various protocols and virtual file systems. The type of file system or protocol is determined by the scheme of the uniform resource identifier (URI):

  • local file system (file:) - this is also the default if the given URI does not contain any scheme
  • classpath (classpath: or res:)
  • HTTPS (https:)
  • FTPS (ftps:)
  • various archive formats (zip:, jar:, tar:, tgz:, tbz2:, gz: and bz2:). The URI format is scheme://arch-file-uri[!absolute-path] (if you would like to use the ! as a literal file-name character it must be escaped using %21).

    For example, jar:../lib/classes.jar!/META-INF/graph.json.

    Paths may be nested as in tar:gz:https://anyhost/dir/mytar.tar.gz!/mytar.tar!/path/in/tar/graph.data.


Relative paths are always resolved relative to the parent directory of the configuration file.