Class AdbGraphClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AdbGraphClient
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.AutoCloseable
    ADB Graph Client. We recommend to close this
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdbGraphClient

        public AdbGraphClient​(AdbGraphClientConfiguration config)
        Creates a new ADB Graph Client.
        config - the ADB Graph Client configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • isAttached

        public boolean isAttached()
        Checks if the Autonomous Database is currently attached to an environment.
        true if the Autonomous Database is currently attached to an environment. False otherwise.
      • startEnvironment

        public Job startEnvironment​(int memory)
        Starts attaching the Autonomous Database to a new environment.
        memory - the amount of system memory (in gigabytes) to allocate on the attached environment.
        a Job which completes once attachment operation completes.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the Autonomous Database is currently not in EnvironmentStatus.DETACHED state
      • stopEnvironment

        public Job stopEnvironment()
        Starts detaching the Autonomous Database from the current environment. Note: all in-memory data will be lost
        a Job which completes once detachment operation completes.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the Autonomous Database is currently not in EnvironmentStatus.ATTACHED state
      • restartEnvironment

        public Job restartEnvironment()
        Starts re-attaching the Autonomous Database to a new environment.
        a Job which completes once re-attachment operation completes.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the Autonomous Database is currently not in EnvironmentStatus.ATTACHED state
      • getCurrentMemory

        public double getCurrentMemory()
        Gets the current environment's allocated memory. Only returns the memory if environment is in attached status.
        the allocated memory for the currently attached environment. The results' units are in Gigabytes and in decimal format.
      • getAvailableMemory

        public double getAvailableMemory()
        Gets the available memory for environments to allocate. Only returns the memory if environment is in detached status.
        the available memory for the environments to allocate. The results' units are in Gigabytes and in decimal format.
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes this client object.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
      • getConfig

        public AdbGraphClientConfiguration getConfig()
        The configuration of this client.
        the configuration of this client.
      • getEndpoint

        public getEndpoint()
        The endpoint used by this client.
        the endpoint.