Package | Description |
---|---| |
This package contains the APIs for importing GraphSON files into property graph formats for Oracle Database.
| | | | | |
This package contains the APIs for executing PGQL on Oracle Database.
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This package contains the JDBC driver classes for PGQL on RDBMS.
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Contains the APIs for executing PGQL against
PG views on Oracle Database.
oracle.pgx.algorithm | |
oracle.pgx.algorithm.annotations | |
oracle.pgx.algorithm.filter | |
oracle.pgx.api |
This package contains the main Java APIs.
oracle.pgx.api.admin |
This package contains the administrative interfaces of PGX.
oracle.pgx.api.executionenvironment |
This packages contains classes for session execution environments.
oracle.pgx.api.expansion |
This package contains classes and utilities to support the subgraph expansion functionality.
oracle.pgx.api.filter |
This package contains filter data objects.
oracle.pgx.api.frames |
This package contains classes and utilities to build and manipulate PGX Frames.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.functions |
This package contains APIs to work with PGX Frames.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema |
This package contains classes related to the primitive data types as well as a class for column description.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes |
This package contains classes for the primitive data types.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes.collection |
This package contains classes for the collection data types.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes.graph |
This package contains classes for the data types of graph entities.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes.numeric |
This package contains classes for the numeric data types.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes.spatial |
This package contains classes for the spatial data types.
oracle.pgx.api.frames.schema.datatypes.temporal |
This package contains classes for the time-related data types.
oracle.pgx.api.graphalteration |
This package contains the APIs for the alterGraph mutation.
oracle.pgx.api.graphbuilder |
This package contains the APIs to build a new in-memory graph from scratch as well as
the APIs to change an existing in-memory graph.
oracle.pgx.api.mllib |
This package contains graph machine learning tools for use with PGX.
oracle.pgx.api.subgraph |
This package contains classes and utilities to support the subgraph reading functionality.
oracle.pgx.common |
This package contains APIs and classes shared by all sub-components of PGX.
oracle.pgx.common.auth |
This package contains classes and utilities related to the general and resource permissions.
oracle.pgx.common.types |
This package contains enums and helper classes identifying common PGX types.
oracle.pgx.config |
This package contains all configuration-related classes of PGX.
oracle.pgx.config.mllib |
This package contains APIs to all graph machine learning features of PGX.
oracle.pgx.config.mllib.batchgenerator |
This package contains APIs to batch generators.
oracle.pgx.config.mllib.corruption |
This package contains classes for feature corruption functions.
oracle.pgx.config.mllib.edgecombination |
This package contains edge embedding methods for edgewise models.
oracle.pgx.config.mllib.inputconfig | |
oracle.pgx.config.mllib.loss |
This package contains classes for loss functions.