Changes in This Release for This Guide

The following changes apply to property graph support that is shipped with Oracle Graph Server and Client.

Oracle Graph Server and Client is required for using the property graph feature of Oracle Database (see Oracle Graph Server and Client Installation), and is released four times a year.

New Features in Oracle Graph Server and Client 24.4

Features That Work With Oracle Database Release 23ai and Prior Oracle Database Releases

  • Added support for loading a graph, subgraph, or frame from database tables containing columns with CLOB data type into the graph server (PGX). The CLOB data type columns are processed as String properties in the graph server (PGX).

    See Loading a SQL Property Graph with Properties Mapped to CLOB Data Type Columns for an example.

  • Progress tracking support for graph algorithms is extended to include more built-in graph algorithms.

    See Getting the Progress of a Running Algorithm for the list of supported built-in graph algorithms.

  • Added the new Dijkstra Single Source Multi-Destination built-in graph algorithm. Dijkstra is a fast algorithm designed for finding a shortest path in a graph. This variant of the algorithm tries to find the shortest path between the source and all vertices of the graph.
  • Improved traceability of graphs loaded from database to do traceability at the provider level. Therefore, graphs are now considered traceable only when all providers are traceable.

    See Graph Sharing Options and Validating Graph Permissions for more information.

  • The source and destination keys of the edge table can reference any unique column of the vertex table.

    See the REFERENCES Clause for more information.

  • Added support for Network Evolution in the Graph Visualization Application.

    See Using Network Evolution in Graph Visualization for more information.

  • Added full screen mode support in the Graph Visualization application.
  • Added support for cluster-based layout and enhanced the Attributes configuration section in the latest version of the Graph Visualization Plug-in, which is available in the Oracle APEX 24.1 GitHub repository.

    See Configuring Attributes for the APEX Graph Visualization Plug-in for more information.