5 Major Enhancements Post Oracle SALT Release 12.2.2

The following section describes the major enhancements made to Oracle SALT 22c ( post the Release 12.2.2.

BugDB Number Description
Bug 29697086 Support long REQUEST-URI up to 8192 characters
Bug 29123988 GWWS SSL handshake supports multi-threading. A new variable GWWS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_MULTITHREADING has been added. If the value of this variable is set to Y, GWWS leverages multiple threads to handle the SSL handshake.
Bug 28694696 WSDL supports soapenc:string
Bug 28190520 Allows empty RECORD buffer
Bug 28079925 Outbound support XSL:NIL
Bug 27768540 HTTP response code enhancements

A new environment variable GWWS_HTTP_RESP_FIELD has been introduced. Following is the format of  GWWS_HTTP_RESP_FIELD: GWWS_HTTP_RESP_FIELD=FML32_FIELD_NAME[:keep]

  • export GWWS_HTTP_RESP_FIELD=Test_Resp_Code
  • export GWWS_HTTP_RESP_FIELD=Test_Resp_Code:keep


If the replied error buffer contains a Test_Resp_Code field, then the HTTP status code is applied to the value of Test_Resp_Code. Further, the default behavior removes the Test_Resp_Code from the error buffer and it is not converted to a JSON message. However, if you want it to be a part of JSON data, you must specify:keep. In addition, Test_Resp_Code must be present at the top level of the replied error buffer, else it does not take effect in an embedded FML32 buffer.
Bug 27608108 Inbound service supports the following two attributes:
  • jsonTopLevelArray: If the value of this attribute is set to true and the top level data of the inbound response is an array, then GWWS returns a no-name json array at the top level. The default value is false; Required:No
  • enableRplyBuffer: If the value of this attribute is set to true, then GWWS converts the TPFAIL error buffer to a json message. The default value is false; Required:No
Bug 25735361 Inbound service supports default content-type

content-type: A new attribute has been added to the Inbound->HTTP->Service element in the SALT deployment file. It is the default value for the Inbound request content type.
If the Inbound request HTTP header contains the content-type field, SALT uses the value in HTTP header. Otherwise, SALT uses the default content-type attribute set in the Inbound->HTTP->Service element.

Bug 25342939 Outbound service supports override URI

In order to specify the override URI, the Oracle Tuxedo client can add system FML32 field TA_HTTP_CONNECT_URI to META_TCM of the request data by invoking tpsetcallinfo().

Bug 24818790 Support whitespace collapse for xsd:string

A new parameter level keyword whitespace has been added to Oracle Tuxedo Metadata Repository. When converting the Oracle Tuxedo buffer to XML data mapping, if the above keyword is set to collapse, then the white space collapses.

Bug 24395972 Inbound service supports specifying namespace for SOAP responses

You can specify namespace at three different levels:

  • service level: specifying namespace attribute in WSDF

    <Service name="operation_1" soapAction="op1" namespace="op_ns" />

  • out buffer level: outbufschema parameter in the MIF file


  • parameter level: paramschema parameter in the MIF file


    The element namespace uses the value defined in the nearest scope. If none of above is specified, then the element uses urn:pack.<WSDF-name>_typedef.salt11 as before.

    If you specify the service level namespace or outbufschema, then all the elements under <servicenameResponse> or<outbuf> inherit it. However if the paramschema is specified for the matched parameter, then the inbound namespace works only for the document/literal mode SOAP operation; it does not work for the rpc/encoded mode.


    element_local_name in outbufschema and paramschema is not used.
Bug 23742025 Metadata Repository supports jsonarray for SALT

The Metadata Repository supports a new parameter level keyword jsonarray. If this keyword is set to Y, then GWWS maps the Oracle Tuxedo buffer to JSON array type, even if there is only one occurrence of a field.