Description of the illustration obadm003.gif

The graphic depicts Volume 1 and Volume 2 as two rows of rectangles.

Starting at the left, Volume 1 has two rectangles labeled "Label" and "Data". They are identified by a callout as "Backup image instance 1, File 1, Section 1". The blank rectangle after that is accompanied with the callout that identifies it as "Backup Catalog Data". The next rectangle is filled with gray and is identified by a callout as "Tape file mark". The next two rectangles are labeled "Label" and "Data". They are identified by a callout as "Backup image instance 2, File 2, Section 1".The blank rectangle after that is accompanied with the callout that identifies it as "Backup Catalog Data". The next rectangle is filled with gray and is not identified. The last rectangle in the Volume 1 row is labeled "EOV Label".

Again starting at the left, Volume 2 has two rectangles labeled "Label" and "Data". They are identified by a callout as "Backup image instance 2, File 2, Section 2". The blank rectangle after that is accompanied with the callout that identifies it as "Backup Catalog Data". The next rectangle is filled with gray and identified by a callout as "Tape file mark". The next two rectangles are labeled "Label" and "Data". They are identified by a callout as Backup image instance 3, File 3, Section 1. The blank rectangle after that is accompanied with the callout that identifies it as "Backup Catalog Data". The next rectangle is filled with gray and is not identified. The next rectangle is labeled "EOD Label". The final two rectangles in the Volume 2 row are filled with gray and are not identified.