Description of the illustration obadm015.eps

This graphic represents the relationship between the dataset hierarchy on the file system and in the Oracle Secure Backup catalog. On the left is a large rectangle labeled "Operating System View", and on the right is a large rectangle labeled "Oracle Secure Backup View".

Beginning at the top, the "Operating System View" rectangle shows the following directories arranged in a column and connected by vertical lines "Oracle Secure Backup Home", "admin/", "config/", and "dataset/".

Two vertical lines under the "dataset/" directory connect it to other directories below it. A line branching to the left goes to "NEW_CLIENTS/", which has an arrow pointing down from it to an ellipsis at the bottom of the graphic. A callout for "NEW_CLIENTS/" says "Pre-created directory". A line branching right goes to "Dataset directories and files".

In the middle of the "Oracle Secure Backup View" rectangle is a forward slash ("/") with a callout that says "Top-level dataset directory". Two vertical lines connect it to other directories below it. A line branching to the left goes to "NEW_CLIENTS/", which has an arrow pointing down from it to an ellipsis at the bottom of the graphic. A line branching right goes to "Dataset directories and files".

A dotted horizontal line extends from "dataset/" in the "Operating System View" rectangle to the forward slash in the "Oracle Secure Backup Catalog View" rectangle.