Description of the illustration obins008.gif

This is a screen shot of the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool Manage: Libraries page.

At the top right of the page are links to Help, Logout, Preferences, and About.

Below these links are links to other Web tool pages. These links are labeled Home, Configure, Manage, Backup, and Restore. The Manage tab is currently selected.

In the middle of the page is a two-column table. The left column is labeled Device Type (DTE), and the right column is labeled Device name.

Above the table are buttons labeled Apply, Show Properties, Error Log, and List Volumes. Below the table is a button labeled Apply and a list labeled Library commands. The list is currently set to Inventory (Library | Drive).

Below these items are links labeled Jobs, Daemons, Device Restrictions, Volumes, Checkpoints, Browse Volumes, Backup Sections, Backup Images, Job Reports, Location Reports, Schedule Volume Duplication, Volumes, and Schedule Location Scan.

At the bottom of the page are links labeled Help, Logout, Preferences, and About.