
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  



  • access Oracle backups right 8.1.2
    • maxacsejectwaittime policy 7.6.10
  • ACSLS tape drives
  • ACSLS tape libraries
    • associating symbolic name with CAP 3.1.4
    • configuring 3.1.4
  • adding
    • backup windows 2.1.1
    • duplication windows 2.1.2
    • file system backup request 2.1.4
    • hosts 3.1.7
    • name/value pair to policy 2.1.3
  • admin class 8
  • adminlogevents policy 7.9.1
  • adminlogfile policy 7.9.2
  • after backup statement
  • algorithm policy 7.2.1
  • Apache Web server
  • applybackupsfrequency policy 7.14.1
  • asciiindexrepository policy 7.8.1
  • aspec placeholder 4.1.1
  • assistance
    • responding to job request for 3.1.78
  • attachments
  • attributes
    • changing for host 2.1.18
    • changing for media families 2.1.24
    • changing for tape devices 2.1.16
    • changing for user classes 2.1.15
    • changing for users 2.1.31
    • changing for volumes 2.1.32
    • listing for checkpoints 2.1.60
    • listing for devices 2.1.63
    • listing for hosts 2.1.68
    • listing for media families 2.1.72
    • listing for user classes 2.1.61
  • auditlogins policy 7.5.1
  • authenticationtype policy 7.12.1
  • authtype placeholder 4.1.2
  • autocertissue policy 7.15.1
  • autohistory policy 7.13.1
  • autoindex policy 7.8.2
  • autolabel policy 7.13.2
  • automaticreleaseofrecalledvolumes policy 7.17.7
  • autorunmmjobs policy 7.17.1
  • autovolumerelease policy 7.17.2



  • canceling
  • catalog
    • asciiindexrepository policy 7.8.1
    • autoindex policy 7.8.2
    • browsemode variable 5.1.1
    • changing directory 2.1.11
    • data-selector placeholders 4.1.7
    • displaying current directory 3.1.23
    • earliestindexcleanuptime policy 7.8.3
    • generatendmpindexdata policy 7.8.4
    • importing information from tape 2.1.7, 4.1.25
    • include catalog dataset statement
    • indexcleanupfrequency policy 7.8.5
    • latestindexcleanuptime policy 7.8.6
    • listing backups 2.1.58
    • listing contents 2.1.53
    • listing contents with obcleanup A.1.2
    • listing volumes 2.1.86
    • maxindexbuffer policy 7.8.7
    • obixdmaxupdaters policy 7.5.4
    • obixdrechecklevel policy 7.5.5
    • removing unneeded records with obcleanup A.1.2
    • saveasciiindexfiles policy 7.8.9
    • updating manually 3.1.71
    • viewmode variable 5.1.14
  • certificates
  • certkeysize policy 7.15.2
  • changing
  • checkpoint commands
  • checkpoints
    • fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy 7.13.7
    • incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy 7.13.8
    • listing 2.1.60
    • maxcheckpointrestarts policy 7.13.12
    • removing 3.1.54
    • restartablebackups policy 7.13.17
  • chsched images
  • class commands
  • classes
    • admin class 8
    • operator class 8
    • oracle class 8
    • reader class 8
    • user class 8
  • class rights
    • access Oracle backups 8.1.2
    • browse backup catalogs with this access 8.1.3
    • display administrative domain’s configuration 8.1.4
    • list any backup, regardless of its owner 8.1.6
    • list any backups owned by user 8.1.7
    • list any job, regardless of its owner 8.1.8
    • list any jobs owned by user 8.1.9
    • manage devices and change device state 8.1.10
    • modify administrative domain’s configuration 8.1.5
    • modify any backup, regardless of its owner 8.1.11
    • modify any backups owned by user 8.1.12
    • modify any job, regardless of its owner 8.1.13
    • modify any jobs owned by user 8.1.14
    • modify own name and password 8.1.16
    • perform backups as privileged user 8.1.17
    • perform backups as self 8.1.18
    • perform Oracle backups and restores 8.1.19
    • perform restores as privileged user 8.1.20
    • perform restores as self 8.1.21
    • query and display information about devices 8.1.22
    • receive email describing expired passphrase keys 8.1.24
    • receive email describing internal errors 8.1.23
    • receive email requesting operator assistance 8.1.25
  • cleaning
  • clientlogevents policy 7.9.3
  • cloud storage device
  • cloud storage device policies
  • cloud storage devices
    • configuring 3.1.4
    • deleting expired backups 3.1.1
    • managing 3.1.1
    • removing backup image instances 3.1.61
    • restriction placeholders 4.1.35
  • clous storage device policies
  • compression
  • concjobs placeholder 4.1.5
  • configuring
  • content-managed expiration policies 3.1.9
  • content placeholder 4.1.6
  • controlling
  • copy instance policies
  • creating
  • cross all mountpoints statements
  • cross local mountpoints statement
  • cross remote mountpoints statement
  • customeridstring policy 7.17.6




  • filenumber-list placeholder 4.1.22
  • filenumber placeholder 4.1.17, 4.1.21
  • file system backup
  • file system backups
    • dataset language overview 6.1
  • file-system backups
    • about dataset statements 6.3.1
    • dataset examples 6.2
  • file-system commands
  • file systems
    • creating restore requests 3.1.47
    • listing on NDMP devices 2.1.67
  • freedstucktapethreshold policy 7.10.3
  • fs variable 5.1.5
  • fullbackupcheckpointfrequency policy 7.13.7




  • identity certificates
    • certkeysize policy 7.15.2
    • importing and exporting with obcm A.1.3
  • iee-range placeholder 4.1.23
  • iee-spec placeholder 4.1.24
  • import/export
  • importing
    • identity certificates with obcm A.1.3
    • volumes into tape libraries 2.1.47
  • include catalog statement
  • include dataset statement
  • include host statement
  • include path statement
  • incrbackupcheckpointfrequency policy 7.13.8
  • incremental backups
  • indexcleanupfrequency policy 7.8.5
  • index daemon
    • asciiindexrepository policy 7.8.1
    • autoindex policy 7.8.2
    • earliestindexcleanuptime policy 7.8.3
    • generatendmpindexdata policy 7.8.4
    • indexcleanupfrequency policy 7.8.5
    • latestindexcleanuptime policy 7.8.6
    • maxindexbuffer policy 7.8.7
    • obixdupdaternicevalue policy 7.5.6
    • saveasciiindexfiles policy 7.8.9
  • index policies
    • about 7.8
    • asciiindexrepository 7.8.1
    • autoindex 7.8.2
    • earliestindexcleanuptime 7.8.3
    • generatendmpindexdata 7.8.4
    • indexcleanupfrequency 7.8.5
    • latestindexcleanuptime 7.8.6
    • maxindexbuffer 7.8.7
    • saveasciiindexfiles 7.8.9
  • input file
    • redirecting obtool commands from
  • inserting
    • volumes into tape libraries 2.1.48
  • interactive mode
  • inventory
    • scanning tape libraries 2.1.49
  • IP addresses





  • mailport policy 7.13.10
  • mailserver policy 7.13.11
  • makedev program A.1.1
  • manage devices and change device state right 8.1.10
  • managing
  • manual certificate provisioning mode
  • maxacsejectwaittime policy 7.6.10
  • maxblockingfactor policy 7.10.4
  • maxcheckpointresetarts policy 7.13.12
  • maxdataretries policy 7.14.4
  • maxdriveidletime policy 7.6.9
  • maximum blocking factor 3.1.4
  • maxindexbuffer policy 7.8.7
  • maxlevel variable 5.1.9
  • md5 authorization type for NDMP server 4.1.2
  • media families
  • media family commands
  • media life cycle
    • autovolumerelease policy 7.17.2
    • changing duplication policies 2.1.17
    • changing rotation policy settings 2.1.26
    • creating duplication job summary schedules 3.1.16
    • creating duplication scan schedules 3.1.12
    • creating rotation policies 3.1.11
    • creating vaulting scan schedules 3.1.12
    • creating volume duplication policies 3.1.6
    • customeridstring policy 7.17.6
    • duplicateovernetwork policy 7.7.1
    • duplication job placeholder 4.1.25
    • duplicationjobpriority policy 7.7.2
    • duplication policy event placeholders 4.1.16
    • duplication policy name placeholders 4.1.31
    • duplication policy rule placeholders 4.1.17
    • duplication scan priority placeholders 4.1.38
    • duplication window commands 1.3.15
    • listing distribution reports 2.1.78
    • listing duplication jobs 2.1.70
    • listing duplication policies 2.1.65
    • listing duplication windows 2.1.66
    • listing locations 2.1.71
    • listing media movement jobs 2.1.70
    • listing pick reports 2.1.78
    • listing rotation policies 2.1.77
    • listing scan control jobs 2.1.70
    • location commands 1.3.20
    • media movement job placeholder 4.1.25
    • minwritablevolumes policy 7.17.5
    • modifying locations 2.1.23
    • recalling volumes from offsite storage 3.1.27
    • releasing volumes 3.1.28
    • removing duplication policies 3.1.58
    • removing duplication scan schedules 3.1.70
    • removing rotation policies 3.1.69
    • removing storage locations 3.1.63
    • removing vaulting scan schedules 3.1.70
    • renaming duplication policies 3.1.34
    • renaming duplication scan schedules 3.1.39
    • renaming rotation policies 3.1.38
    • renaming storage locations 3.1.36
    • renaming vaulting scan schedules 3.1.39
    • reportretaintime 7.17.7
    • reports commands 1.3.25
    • rotation policy commands 1.3.27
    • rotation policy name placeholders 4.1.31
    • rotation rule event placeholders 4.1.20
    • rotation rule placeholders 4.1.37
    • vaulting scan job placeholder 4.1.25
    • vaulting scan priority placeholders 4.1.38
    • volume duplication commands 1.3.35
    • volume rotation commands 1.3.34
  • media movement
  • media policies
  • medium transport elements 2.1.86
  • minimumwriteablevolumes policy 7.17.5
  • minuserpasswordlen 7.15.7
  • miscellaneous commands
  • miscellaneous programs A
  • modify administrative domain’s configuration right 8.1.5
  • modify any backup, regardless of its owner 8.1.11
  • modify any backups owned by user 8.1.12
  • modify any job, regardless of its owner right 8.1.13
  • modify any jobs owned by user right 8.1.14
  • modifying
    • backup image instances 2.1.19
  • modify own name and password right 8.1.16
  • mounting
  • mount points
    • backing up across mount points with obtar B.2.4
  • moving
    • volumes in tape libraries 3.1.19
  • msloadbalancer policy 7.13.14





  • query and display information about devices right 8.1.22






  • validatechecksum 3.1.93
  • variable commands
  • variables
  • vaulting
    • autorunmmjobs policy 7.17.1
    • autovolumerelease policy 7.17.2
    • changing duplication policies 2.1.17
    • changing rotation policy settings 2.1.26
    • creating duplication job summary schedules 3.1.16
    • creating duplication scan schedules 3.1.12
    • creating rotation policies 3.1.11
    • creating vaulting scan schedules 3.1.12
    • creating volume duplication policies 3.1.6
    • customeridstring policy 7.17.6
    • displaying reports 2.1.9
    • duplicateovernetwork policy 7.7.1
    • duplication job placeholder 4.1.25
    • duplicationjobpriority policy 7.7.2
    • duplication policy event placeholders 4.1.16
    • duplication policy name placeholders 4.1.31
    • duplication policy rule placeholders 4.1.17
    • duplication scan priority placeholders 4.1.38
    • duplication window commands 1.3.15
    • listing distribution reports 2.1.78
    • listing duplication jobs 2.1.70
    • listing duplication policies 2.1.65
    • listing duplication windows 2.1.66
    • listing locations 2.1.71
    • listing media movement jobs 2.1.70
    • listing pick reports 2.1.78
    • listing rotation policies 2.1.77
    • listing scan control jobs 2.1.70
    • location commands 1.3.20
    • media movement job placeholder 4.1.25
    • minwritablevolumes policy 7.17.5
    • modifying locations 2.1.23
    • recalling volumes from offsite storage 3.1.27
    • releasing volumes 3.1.28
    • removing duplication policies 3.1.58
    • removing duplication scan schedules 3.1.70
    • removing rotation policies 3.1.69
    • removing storage locations 3.1.63
    • removing vaulting scan schedules 3.1.70
    • renaming duplication policies 3.1.34
    • renaming duplication scan schedules 3.1.39
    • renaming rotation policies 3.1.38
    • renaming storage locations 3.1.36
    • renaming vaulting scan schedules 3.1.39
    • reportretaintime policy 7.17.7
    • reports commands 1.3.25
    • rotation policy commands 1.3.27
    • rotation policy name placeholders 4.1.31
    • rotation rule event placeholders 4.1.20
    • rotation rule placeholders 4.1.37
    • scan control job placeholder 4.1.25
    • vaulting scan priority placeholders 4.1.38
    • volume duplication commands 1.3.35
    • volume rotation commands 1.3.34
  • vaulting policies
  • vaulting scan
    • priority placeholders 4.1.38
  • vaulting scan schedules
  • verbose variable 5.1.13
  • version number
  • vid placeholder 4.1.45
  • viewmode variable 5.1.14
  • vol-range placeholder 4.1.46
  • vol-spec placeholder 4.1.47
  • volume commands
  • volume duplication commands
  • volume duplication policies
  • volume labels
  • volume movement commands
  • volumeretaintime policy 7.10.8
  • volume rotation commands
  • volumes
  • volume sets
    • filenumber placeholders 4.1.21


  • webautostart policy 7.5.7
  • webpass policy 7.5.8
  • width variable 5.1.15
  • Windows CD-ROM file systems
  • windowsclientlogfile policy 7.9.9
  • windowscontrolcertificateservice policy 7.5.9
  • Windows firewall, disabling 3.1.7
  • Windows locked files
    • windowsskiplockedfiles policy 7.13.25
  • Windows Server 2003 3.1.7
  • windowsskipcdfs policy 7.13.24
  • windowsskiplockedfiles policy 7.13.25
  • Windows XP Service Pack 2 3.1.7
  • winsserver policy 7.11.1
  • World Wid Name
  • writewindowtime policy 7.10.9
  • wwn placeholder 4.1.49