2 SODA for PL/SQL Overview

SODA for PL/SQL is a PL/SQL API that implements Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA). You can use it with PL/SQL to perform create, read (retrieve), update, and delete (CRUD) operations on documents of any kind, and you can use it to query JSON documents.

SODA is a set of NoSQL-style APIs that let you create and store collections of documents in Oracle Database, retrieve them, and query them, without needing to know Structured Query Language (SQL) or how the data in the documents is stored in the database.

Oracle Database supports storing and querying JSON data. To access this functionality, you need structured query language (SQL) with special JSON SQL operators. SODA for PL/SQL hides the complexities of SQL/JSON programming.

The remaining topics of this document describe various features of SODA for PL/SQL.


  • This book provides information about using SODA with PL/SQL applications, and it describes all SODA features currently available for use with PL/SQL. To use SODA for PL/SQL you also need to understand SODA generally. For such general information, please consult Oracle Database Introduction to Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA). Some features described in that book are not yet available with SODA for PL/SQL.

  • This book does not provide general information about PL/SQL, including reference information about the SODA for PL/SQL methods and constants. For such information, please consult Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference.

See Also:

Oracle Database JSON Developer’s Guide for information about using SQL and PL/SQL with JSON data stored in Oracle Database