6.1.1 Listing Available Datasets

The following request lists all the datasets available to the user who is “embedded” inside the access token:

HTTP GET Request

curl -k https://localhost:4040/spatialstudio/oauth/v1/datasets \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer <MY_TOKEN>”

The preceding request will return a JSON document containing all the datasets that are owned or created by the token owner, as well as any dataset that was marked as public (by its owner) which are accessible to any other application user. The JSON response includes a JSON object that describes every aspect of the dataset, such as id, name, type, source table name (if applicable), as well as its columns and a host of other metadata.

Note that the access token used in the preceding request must be a general-purpose one (either read-only or read-write, depending on your specific use case), as opposed to a dataset streaming-only token. This is because a stream-only access token cannot be used to query any metadata from the Spatial Studio server. As a result, if you pass in a stream-only token in the preceding request, you will not get the desired response.

Alternatively, you can also provide an additional query parameter, fields, to filter the data that is returned for each dataset. For instance, if you prefer only the unique id and name of all the available datasets in the response, then the request is as follows:

Request with Query Parameter:

curl -k https://localhost:4040/spatialstudio/oauth/v1/datasets?fields=id,name \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer <MY_TOKEN>”


  "id" : "3ee71ae5ba84cc5afd0728643e878f29",
  "name" : "LANDSAT5_IMAGES"
  "id" : "d06d0b711e10997c1c886b731b1c45b8",
  "name" : "AIRPORT_POINT"
  "id" : "fd6f55d0773dcda639e07b00e5ba431a",
  "name" : "INTERSTATES"
  "id" : "5b68bd621ee6f58af0bd0cb20f600a38",
In the preceding response:
  • Each dataset is represented as an element in the items array.
  • Each item (dataset) contains both the id and the name of a dataset. The id returned in the response is the unique ID of the dataset. Note that Spatial Studio assigns a globally unique id to all the objects you create, such as datasets, projects, connections or data sources, and even columns inside a dataset. In most cases, the REST API uses only these unique ids when referencing a user created object such as a dataset or connection.