The MODELER command provides a command-line interface for Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler features.

The options available are:

  • modeler help <command> — Displays help information about the specified modeler command.

  • modeler ddl <parameters> — Generates the Data Definition Lanaguage statements from the selected Data Modeler design.

  • modeler report <parameters> — Generates the report from the selected Data Modeler design.


Generates the Data Definition Lanaguage statements from the selected Data Modeler design.


MODELER DDL -design <file> -relmodel <name> [-outputfile <name>]
Parameter Description
-design (d) <file> Full path to the design's file name.
-relmodel (rm) <name> Name of the relational model.
-dbsite (ds) <name> (Optional) Name of the physical model database site. If this is not specified, then the default relational database management system site for the provided relational model is used.
-outputfile (o) <file> Full path to the output file for the generated DDL content.
-systemTypesDir (td) <path> Full path to the system types directory.
-settingsFile (s) <file> Full path to the exported Data Modeler settings file.
-ddlConfigFile (c) <file> Full path to the exported DDL configuration file.


modeler ddl -design "C:/Designs/SH.dmd" -relmodel "SH" -outputfile "C:/DDL.sql"


Generates the report from the selected Data Modeler design.


MODELER REPORT -design <file> -type <type> [-title <name>] -filename <name> -outputpath <path>


Parameter Description
-design (d) <file> Full path to the design's file name.
-type (tp) Specify the type of report. Available types are: Tables, TableViews, TablesAndViews, Entities, EntityViews, EntitiesAndViews, Domains.
-filename (f) <name> Name of the generated HTML file.
-outputpath (o) <path> Full path to the folder for the generated HTML content. The report file is put in that folder and a "css" sub-directory with the CSS files used is created.
-relmodel (rm) <name> Name of the relational model (for Tables and Table Views only).
-title (tt) <name> (Optional) Title of the report.
-standardTemplate (st) <name> Name of the template for a standard report, defining the set of report sections to include (optional). If this is not specified, all report sections are included.
-customTemplate (ct) <name> (Optional) Name of the template for a custom report.
-reportConfTemplate (c) <name> (Optional) Name of the template that defines the set of objects and subviews to include in the report.
-companyname (cn) <name> (Optional) Name of the company.
-systemTypesDir (td) <path> Full path to the system types directory.
-settingsFile (s) <file> Full path to the exported Data Modeler settings file.


modeler report -design "C:/Designs/SH.dmd" -type "Tables" -filename "SHTablesReport" -outputpath "C:/Reports"