2.10.2 SODA

SODA allows schemaless application development using the JSON data model. The options are:

  • SODA create <collection_name> — Create a new collection

  • SODA list — List all the collections

  • SODA get <collection_name> [-all | -f | -k | -klist] [{<key> | <k1> <k2> ... | <qbe>}] — List documents the collection. Optional arguments:

    • all : list the keys of all docs in the collection

    • k : list docs matching the specific <key>

    • klist : list docs matching the list of keys

    • f : list docs matching the <qbe>

  • SODA insert <collection_name> <json_str | filename> — Insert a new document within a collection

  • SODA drop <collection_name> — Delete existing collection

  • SODA count <collection_name> [<qbe>] — Count number of documents inside collection. Optional parameter <qbe> returns number of matching documents

  • SODA replace <collection_name> <oldkey> <new_{str | doc}> — Replace one document with another

  • SODA remove <collection_name> [-k | -klist | -f] {<key> | <k1> <k2> ...| <qbe>} — Remove documents from collection. Optional arguments:

    • k : Remove document in collection matching the specific <key>

    • klist : Remove document in collection matching the list <key1> <key2> ...

    • f : Remove document in collection matching <qbe>