2.5.5 Clone Connections

Clones an existing connection. By default, the credentials stored with the original connection are used for the new connection. To change the user name, the -user option can be used. If the user changes, a password prompt is displayed unless the -nopwd option is used


connmgr|cm clone {OPTIONS} {PARAMETERS}


Option Description Default
-original, -o The name of the source connection being cloned. Required
-nopwd Whether to create the connection without a stored password. -
-user, -u The user name to store with the connection. If no user name is specified, you may be prompted to provide one when using the connection, depending on the authentication configuration. -


Parameter Description
<name> The name of the connection. Connection names are case-sensitive.


To clone an existing connection:

SQL> CONNMGR CLONE -original original_name newname
SQL> CONNMGR CLONE -original original_name -user newuser newname