2.11.2 AWR

The awr command creates and retrieves automatic workload repository (AWR) reports for the currently connected instance. These reports provide metrics on the database’s workload, performance, and resource usage.

awr <create_snapshot> | <create_report> | <list_snapshots>
<create_snapshot> := create snapshot (bestfit | lite | typical | all)?
<create_report> := create (html | text) <begin-snapshot-id>
<list_snapshots> := list snap[shots]


<create_snapshot>: Creates a new snapshot and prints its id. The optional parameter flush-level of the snapshot are (BESTFIT, LITE, TYPICAL, ALL).

<create_report>: Creates a new AWR report and writes it to a file called "AWR-<DB_Name>-<PDB_Name>-<Current Timestamp>.[html|txt]" in the current working directory.

<begin-snapshot-id>: Provides the beginning snapshot id for the AWR report. By default, the second last snapshot id is taken if no id has been provided.

<end-snapshot-id>: Provides the ending snapshot id for the AWR report. By default, the last snapshot id is taken if no id has been provided.

<list_snapshots>: Lists the available snapshots in the database.