3.9 ChangeSets in Liquibase

The following table lists the changeSets and provides a description for each of them. To learn more about changeSets, see <changeSet> tag.

ChangeSet Description
CreateOracleConstraint Creates a constraint from SQL.
CreateOracleDirectory Creates a directory from SQL.
CreateOracleFunction Creates a function from SQL.
CreateOracleGrant Creates a grant from SQL.
CreateOraclePackageBody Creates a package body from SQL.
CreateOracleJob Creates a DBMS_Scheduler job from SQL.
CreateOraclePackageSpec Creates a package specification from SQL.
CreateOracleProcedure Creates a procedure from SQL.
CreateOraclePublicSynonym Creates a public synonym from SQL.
CreateOracleRefConstraint Creates a referential constraint from SQL.
CreateOracleSynonym Creates a synonym from SQL.
CreateOracleTrigger Creates a trigger from SQL.
CreateOracleTypeBody Creates a type body from SQL.
CreateOracleTypeSpec Creates a type spec from SQL.
CreateSxmlObject Creates a function from SQL.
DropOracleConstraint Drops a constraint.
DropOracleFunction Drops a function.
DropOracleGrant Drops a grant.
DropOraclePackageBody Drops a package body.
DropOraclePackageSpec Drops a package specification.
DropOracleProcedure Drops a procedure.
DropOracleRefConstraint Drops a referential constraint.
DropOracleTrigger Drops a trigger.
DropOracleTypeBody Drops a type body.
DropOracleTypeSpec Drops a type specification.
DropOracleSynonym Drops a synonym.
DropSxmlObject Drops an SXML object. If the object was created through createSxmlObject, this rolls back the object to the last state. If not created, the object is just dropped. This is primarily used internally for SXML object handling.
RunOracleScript Executes a SQL script using the SQLcl engine and therefore supports all SQLcl commands. Supports script, file, and URL sources.