4.7 Create a PL/SQL Procedure

Create a procedure that lists all books with a specified rating. You can then call this procedure with an input parameter (a number from 1 to 10), and the output will be all the titles of all books with that rating.

To create the procedure:

  1. Enter the following procedure text:

    PROCEDURE list_a_rating(in_rating IN NUMBER) AS
      matching_title VARCHAR2(50);
      TYPE my_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
      the_cursor my_cursor;
      OPEN the_cursor
        FOR 'SELECT title 
               FROM books 
              WHERE rating = :in_rating'
        USING in_rating;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
        FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
        EXIT WHEN the_cursor%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE the_cursor;
    END list_a_rating;
  2. Click Run Script.

    The following notificaton is displayed in the Script Output tab:

    Procedure LIST_A_RATING compiled
  3. To run this procedure, right-click LIST_A_RATING in the Connections navigator and select Run. The parameter and it's properties are displayed.

  4. Click View PL/SQL.

  5. Change IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10, and click Run Statement.

    The result is shown in the Script Output pane:

    All books with a rating of 10:                                                  
    Moby Dick                                                                       
    Software Wizardry