Known Issues for Oracle© SQL Developer Web

Release 18.1


May 2018

Known Issues for Oracle SQL Developer Web

This section describes known issues associated with the Oracle SQL Developer Web 18.1 release. Unless otherwise specified, an issue affects all database versions.

Export generates an empty file

When you export data (in any format) from tables with case-sensitive names, you download a blank file.

Export with wrong delimiter

After exporting data with a specified delimiter, if you attempt to export in TEXT format, the last specified delimiter is used instead of the default one.

Workaround: Use the DELIMITED format and override the delimiter so that the file is exported with the desired delimiter.

Invalid JSON format in Export

Exporting data in JSON format results in an invalid JSON file.

Workaround: Within the exported file, replace the "]," string at the beginning of the file with "{" and append the "]}" string at the end of the file.

Quick DDL issue for Oracle Database 12c Release 2

For Oracle Database 12c release 2, when you load DDL using the Quick DDL option in object Navigator and click Save to Worksheet, you see a blank screen.

Object Navigator shows repeated objects

If you load a long list of objects using the object Navigator and scroll to the bottom to view more objects, the same set of objects are loaded and displayed.

Workaround: If you are looking for a specific object, use the Search field at the top of the object Navigator pane.

Loading icon in export

After data is exported, the loading icon at the bottom continues showing the processing mode.

Workaround: Reload the page so that the loading icon disappears.

DBA/Waits page performance

The amount of data shown on this page generates a loss of performance when interacting with the user interface.

Broken APEX "Quick Link" in Dashboard when accessing SQL Developer Web from a pluggable database

When using SQL Developer Web from a pluggable database, the URL provided by the APEX "Quick Link" is broken. Clicking the link sends the user to the ORDS root path instead of the corresponding APEX installation.

Workaround: Manually type the correct URL in the address bar of the browser:


Unexpected behavior in DBA/Manage when snapshot copy PDB clone is closed

When cloning a pluggable database as a snapshot copy, the source pluggable database cannot be unplugged or dropped. However, if the user closes the cloned PDB, V$CONTAINERS does not provide accurate information about the source-clone relation between the two pluggable databases and that makes it impossible for the user interface to know which operations are not allowed on the pluggable databases. Therefore, you cannot unplug or drop a PDB that is the source of a (closed) snapshot copy clone. You can also perform operations on the clone, which should not be allowed.

Index properties dialog

When editing an index in the Index Properties Dialog, the index type is not correctly displayed. When editing a functional index, the expression does not appear.

Workaound: Use the Table Properties Dialog.

New index through Index properties dialog

Clicking Apply in the Index Properties Dialog does not create the index.

Workaound: Use the Table Properties Dialog.

Identity column properties and Default on Null property are not available for Oracle Database 18c

The Identity column properties and the Default on NULL property are not available in the Oracle Database 18c pluggable database.

The Add Object with Dependencies to Diagram option fails

The Add Object with Dependencies to Diagram fails when there is a hash (#) character in the schema name or table name.

Partitions are not included when DDL is generated for diagram or current schema

For Oracle Database 12c and later versions, when the Data Modeler engine is used, partitions are not included when DDL is generated for the diagram or current schema.

Workaround: Use the DBMS_METADATA DDL generation path.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Known Issues for Oracle© SQL Developer Web, Release 18.1


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