8.1 The Create/Edit User Dialog

This dialog is used for creating a new database user or editing an existing database user.

  • To create a new database user, click Create User in the User Management page.

  • To edit an existing database user, select Edit from the context menu for the associated user.

The user properties are grouped under two tabs: User and Granted Roles.

User Tab

Specifies general properties for the database user.

  • User Name: The user name string. For an existing user, this field is read-only. To change the name, you must drop the user and create a new user with the desired name.

  • New Password: Password string for the new user, or new password for an existing user. You must also type the same password string for Confirm Password.

  • Password Expired: If this option is selected, the password is marked as expired, and the user must change the password before being permitted to connect to the database.

  • Account is Locked: If this option is selected, the user will not be permitted to connect to the database until a DBA user unlocks the account associated with this user.

  • REST Enable: If this option is selected, the user is enabled for REST. Enter the related fields: Alias, URL Mapping Type and Authorization required. These options are also available in the REST Enable dialog.

Granted Roles Tab

Specifies roles to be granted to the user. For each role, you can check Granted to grant the role, Admin to permit the user to grant the role to other users, and Default to use the default settings for Granted and Admin. A new user is granted CONNECT and RESOURCE roles when REST Enable is selected.