3.1 The Overview Page

The Overview page contains widgets that provide a general overview of the activity in the SQL and Data Modeler pages.

To navigate to the Overview page, click SelectorSelector, click the down arrow to expand Development in the navigation pane, and then click Overview.

  • My Worksheets: Displays your saved worksheets. You can click the name of the worksheet to open it in the Worksheet page.

  • My Diagrams: Displays the Data Modeler diagrams that have been saved. You can click the name of the diagram to open it in the Data Modeler page.

  • Recently Modified Objects: Displays a timeline of the created, modified, and dropped objects in the database. You can zoom in and out using the + and icons. You can also move horizontally by dragging the cursor to the right or left.

  • Invalid Objects: Displays the invalid objects in your schema.

  • Table Stats Freshness: Displays the time period since the tables were last analyzed.

You can right-click the header in Invalid Objects, Table Stats Freshness, My Worksheets, or My Diagrams to manage or sort columns:

  • Columns: Enables you to select columns to show or hide.

  • Sort: Displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values be displayed first.

Right-click the body of the display table to count rows or to view records:

  • Count Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.

  • Single Record View: Enables you to view data for a table or view, one record at a time.

  • Copy: Copies data from a cell or a row or a range of rows. To copy from more than one row, select the rows you want to copy, right-click by pressing the SHIFT or CTRL key, and select Copy.