9.5 Schedules

The Schedules page displays the list of available schedules.

The Actions menu for a schedule has the following options: Viewing schedule details, Editing or Dropping the schedule.

9.5.1 Create or Edit Schedule

This section describes how to create or edit Oracle Scheduler schedule.

To create a schedule, Database Actions internally uses the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_SCHEDULE procedure.

  1. In the Schedules page, at the top right, click Create Schedule.
  2. In Program Properties, enter the following fields:

    Properties tab

    • Name: Name of the schedule. The name has to be unique in the SQL namespace. For example, a schedule cannot have the same name as a table in a schema.

    • Description: Optional text string that can be used to describe the schedule.

    • Mode: Specify when jobs that use this schedule are to run: Repeating (specify the repeat interval, start date, and end date), Queue (specify the queue name, agent, condition, start date, and end date), or File Watcher (specify the file watcher object name, condition, start date, and end date).

  3. In the DDL pane, you can review and save the SQL statements that are generated.
    • For a new schedule, click CREATE to view the generated DDL statements.

    • When you edit a schedule, click UPDATE to view the generated ALTER statements.

    When you are finished, click Apply.

  4. The Output pane displays the results of the DDL commands. If there are any errors, go to the corresponding pane, fix the errors, and run the commands again. You can save to a text file or clear the output.