Importing Data

This section provides the steps for importing data using Oracle Data Pump in Database Actions.

  1. In the Data Pump page, on the top right, click Import.

    The Import wizard appears.

  2. In the Source step:

    Bucket Name Source:

    • Bucket List: Allows you to select the bucket based on a bucket list after selecting a credential and the desired compartment.

    • Manual Search: After selecting a valid credential, you must enter the exact name of a bucket to list its files.

    After selecting the mode, enter the following fields:

    1. Credential Name: Select a valid credential to access the information in the Object Storage Buckets.

    2. Compartment Name: Select a compartment at any level within the tenancy (only available for Bucket List).
    3. Bucket Name: Select the bucket that contains the dump files from the drop-down list. Selecting a bucket automatically prefills the associated dump files in the Bucket Objects field.
    4. Bucket Objects: Select a dump file from the list.
    5. Import Pattern: When you select a dump file, it is automatically entered in the Import Pattern field. You can modify the pattern, if needed. The dump files that match are displayed in the Dump Files field.
    6. Dump Files: Select the dump files to import.

    Click Next.

  3. In the Import step, enter the following fields:
    • Import Name: Enter a name for the import job.
    • Import Type: Select the type of import. The options are Full, Tables, Schemas, and Tablespaces.


      If you select Full, you skip the Filter step in the wizard and directly go to the Mapping step.
    • Content: Select Data Only, DDL Only, or Data and DDL.
    • Cloud Directory Name: Select the directory to import to.
    • Encrypt: Select if encrypted and enter an encryption password.

    Click Next.

  4. In the Filter step, depending on the import type, all the schemas, tables, or tablespaces for the import job are listed. Select the ones that apply. Click Next.
  5. In the Mapping step, select the source schema and enter a new name for the target schema. If needed, do the same for tablespaces. Click Next.
  6. In the Options step, enter the following fields:
    • Threads: Specifiy the maximum number of threads of active execution operating on behalf of the import job. The default is 1.
    • Action on Table if Table Exists: Specify the action needed if that table that import is trying to create already exists.
    • Skip Unusable indexes: Select to specify whether the import skips loading tables that have indexes that were set to the Index Unusable state.
    • Regenerate Object IDs: Select to create new object identifies for the imported database objects.
    • Delete Master Table: Select to indicate whether the Data Pump control job table should be deleted or retained at the end of an Oracle Data Pump job that completes successfully.
    • Overwrite Existing Datafiles: Select to indicate that if a table already exists in the destination schema, overwrite it.
    • Version: Select the version of database objects to import.
    • Logging: Select to create a log file. Enter the log directory and log file name.

    Click Next.

  7. The Summary step displays a summary of all the selections made in the previous steps.

    Select Show Code at the bottom to see the PL/SQL code equivalent of the form.

    Click Import.

    The start of the job execution is displayed on the Data Pump page.