Linking to Other Databases

To link to data in tables in another database from your Oracle Autonomous Database, on the Data Load Dashboard, click LINK DATA, then click Database. Select a database link from the drop-down list. Drag one or more tables from the list of database tables and drop them in the Data Load Cart.

Each table appears as an item in the Data Load Cart. The item shows the name of the table and the number of rows in it, and the name of the table that is the target for the data load.

To remove a table from the Data Load Cart, select the Remove (trash can) icon for the item. To remove all tables from the cart, click the Remove All (trash can) icon in the Data Load Cart menu bar.

To add a remote database to the list of databases, create a database link to the remote database. For information on creating a database link, see Database Links in Oracle® Database Database Administrator’s Guide.

The databases available to you appear in the drop-down list of the database navigation pane of the Link Tables page.

Specify the Target, Create Filters, and View Mappings

To specify settings for the data load job, preview the data in the source or the target, and see statistics about the data, click the Settings (pencil) icon for the item in the Data Load Cart.

In the settings pane, on the Settings tab, the Source field displays the name of the table and the number of rows in the table.

Preview Source Data

To view the data in the source table, in the settings pane select the Source Preview tab. The source preview displays the data in the table.

View Statistics

To view statistics about the source table, in the settings pane select the Statistics tab. It may take a moment for the statistics to appear. The statistics include the size of the table, the number of rows and columns, the column names, data types, number of distinct values, and other information. Below the details about the columns is a bar graph that displays the top unique values for the selected column.

Preview Target Data

To view the data in the target view, in the settings pane select the Target Preview tab. The target preview displays the data in the target view. If the view does not yet exist, then the target data is the same as the source data, regardless of any filters set for the data load job.

Run the Data Load Job

When you have added all of the source tables for the job and specified the settings for each table, to run the job click the Start icon in the Data Load Cart menu bar. In the Run Data Load Job dialog box, click Start. To stop the data load job, click the Stop icon.

At the top of the page, the Status shows the number of items for which the load has completed over the number of items in the job, and the total time elapsed for the job. When the data load job completes, the Link Tables page displays the results of the job.

To view information about an item in the job, click the Settings (circled i) icon in the item. The settings pane has the same Settings, Preview, and Target Preview tabs as the settings pane before running the job, except that the Target Preview now contains the data loaded by the data load job. To close the settings pane, click Close.

To view a log of the load operation, click the Logging icon. You can save the log, clear it, or refresh it. Click OK to dismiss the log.

The list of views on the Data Load page contains any new views created. A preexisting view that was the target for the data load job now contains the loaded data.

On the Database links page, click the Reload Cart button. Clicking the button enables you to add the data sources to the data load the cart again.

Click Done to return to the Database Actions page.