Cancel a TCC Transaction



Cancels the resources that are held in a reserved state in the TCC transaction. To cancel the transaction, the transaction initiator service calls Transaction Manager for Microservices, and then Transaction Manager for Microservices calls `DELETE` on each participant service.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : tcc-status
Type: string
Allowed Values: [ "InProcess", "Confirming", "Confirmed", "FailedToConfirm", "Canceling", "Canceled", "FailedToCancel" ]

400 Response

Invalid Arguments

401 Response

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cURL Command

The following example shows how to roll back a TCC transaction by submitting a DELETE request on the TCC transaction ID using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

Enter the command on a single line. Line breaks are used in this example for readability.

curl -X PUT 
     -H "Authorization:Bearer $OTMM_COOKIE"
  • OTMM_COOKIE is the name of the variable in which you stored the authentication cookie earlier. For information about retrieving the authentication cookie and storing it in a variable, see Authenticate.

  • is an example REST endpoint URL. Change this value to the REST endpoint URL to access the Istio ingress gateway in your environment. For information about finding out REST endpoint URL for your site, see Send Requests.

  • 3885402b-1aa0-439a-af2c-63a3ea581ed5 is an example value for a TCC transaction ID. Replace this value with the transaction ID of a TCC transaction in your environment.

No response is returned for this request.

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