3.7.3 Create a Kubernetes Secret for Oracle Database Credentials

MicroTx supports using Oracle Database as a persistent store to keep track of the transaction information.

You must provide the Oracle Database credentials in the values.yaml file. MicroTx uses the credentials to establish a connection to the database after the service is installed.
If you are using an Autonomous Database instance, ensure that you have downloaded the wallet and created a configuration map before you begin with the following steps. See Get Autonomous Database Client Credentials.
To create a Kubernetes secret to provide the Oracle Database login details:
  1. Create a Kubernetes secret with the Oracle Database login details. Ensure that you create the Kubernetes secret in the namespace where you want to deploy MicroTx.

    The following command creates a Kubernetes secret with the name db-secret in the otmm namespace with the password of user acme. When you run this command in your environment, replace these values with values specific to your environment.

    kubectl create secret generic db-secret \
        --from-literal=secret='{"password":"*****", "username":"acme"}' -n otmm
  2. Note down the name of the Kubernetes secret that you have created. You will need to provide this name in the values.yaml file while deploying MicroTx.
Update the values.yaml with the name of the Kubernetes secret that you have created to store the Oracle Database credentials and the connection string. Additionally, provide the name of the configuration map if you are using an Autonomous Database instance.