3.4 Prepare a Kubernetes Cluster

In Kubernetes, you can install MicroTx within a service mesh or without it.

The installation bundle provides example Helm charts with sample values which you can use as a reference to install MicroTx. This section provides instructions to install MicroTx on a Kubernetes cluster with and without using the Istio service mesh.

You can create a similar configuration to install MicroTx in other supported environments. If you are using another service mesh in a Kubernetes cluster, create your own Helm charts.

The following image shows a sample deployment where MicroTx is installed in a Kubernetes cluster within an Istio service mesh along with other microservices.

Components of MicroTx

Istio is a service mesh that provides a separate infrastructure layer to handle inter-service communication. Network communication is abstracted from the services themselves and is handled by proxies. Istio uses a sidecar design, which means that the communication proxies run in their own containers beside every service container. Envoy is the proxy that is deployed as a sidecar inside the microservices container. All communication inside the service mesh is done through the Envoy proxies.
