3.3.3 Run the Discovery URL

After setting up the identity provider, run the Discovery URL in any browser to note down the values that you must provide in the values.yaml file for authentication purposes.

To run the Discovery URL and note down the required identity provider information:
  1. Run the Discovery URL in any browser.

    Syntax of Discovery URL


    Example Discovery URL


    The example tenant base URL has been truncated with ellipses (...) for readability. When you run this command in your environment, copy the actual value.

    A list of values is displayed.
  2. Note down the values for the issuer and jwksUri fields. You will need to provide these values in the values.yaml file. For example:
    issuer: "https://identity.oraclecloud.com"
    jwksUri: "https://idcs-a83e....identity.oraclecloud.com:443/admin/v1/SigningCert/jwk"
  3. Note down the value of the token_endpoint field. You will provide this information in the values.yaml file as value for the tmmConfiguration.identityProvider.identityProviderUrl property.
    token_endpoint: "https://idcs-a83e.....identity.oraclecloud.com/oauth2/v1/token"