6.6.1 Set Transaction Timeout

Specify the time period for which a request sent from the XA participant services remains active. If a transaction is not committed or rolled back within the specified time period, the transaction is rolled back.

Specify this value only for the transaction initiator application. If you specify this value for a participant application, it is ignored.

To set transaction timeout for requests sent from participants services:

  1. For the txMaxTimeout parameter in the values.yaml file of the MicroTx, specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, for which a transaction remains active. The default value is 60000 ms.
    The values.yaml file of the MicroTx is located in the installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/otmm/helmcharts folder.
  2. For the ORACLE_TMM_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT parameter in the tmm.properties file of the transaction initiator service, specify the amount of time, in milliseconds, for which the transaction remains active. If a transaction is not committed or rolled back within the specified time period, the transaction is rolled back. The default value and minimum value is 60000.
The value of ORACLE_TMM_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT can override the value of txMaxTimeout, but it cannot exceed the value of txMaxTimeout. For example, if the value of txMaxTimeout is 70000 and the value of ORACLE_TMM_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT is 80000, then the maximum timeout is set to 70000 milliseconds. If the value of txMaxTimeout is 90000 and the value of ORACLE_TMM_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT is 80000, then the maximum timeout is set to 80000 milliseconds.