2.3 Supported Languages and Frameworks

Use MicroTx to ensure transactional consistency across microservices application implemented in the following languages:
  • TypeScript or JavaScript for Node.js
  • Java 11 (for applications built with frameworks, such as Helidon 2.x and WebLogic Server)
  • Java 17 (for applications built with frameworks, such as Helidon 3.x, Helidon 4.x, Spring Boot 3.x, and Micronaut 4.2.1 or later)
  • Python 3.11 or later

MicroTx supports Node.js and Java for all the transaction protocols and supports Python only for TCC.

Supported Java Frameworks

The MicroTx libraries are available for Spring REST applications and JAX-RS applications that use the XA, Saga, and TCC transaction protocols. MicroTx library is also available for Micronaut applications that use the Saga transaction protocol and ORDS applications that use the XA transaction protocol.

The MicroTx XA library is available for the following Java frameworks: