9.2.2 Update the YAML Files for Tuxedo App

The sample application files also contain the sampleapps.yaml and values.yaml file. Provide details about your Tuxedo application in these YAML files.

To provide the configuration and image details about the Tuxedo app in the YAML files:

  1. Back up the sampleapps.yaml file, which is located in the xa/java/helmcharts/transfer/templates folder in the microtx-samples GitHub repository, in a different location outside the templates folder.
  2. Open the sampleapps.yaml file in any code editor to edit it.
  3. Replace the dept2 service deployment descriptor with the sample code provided below.
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: dept2
        app: dept2
        version: v1
      replicas: 1
          app: dept2
          version: v1
            app: dept2
            version: v1
            - name: dept2
              image: #TUXEDO-BANK-APP-IMAGE
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - containerPort: 2345
                - name: SALT_TMM_CALLBACK_ADDR
                  value: http://dept2:2345
            - name: regcred

    Where, you can replace the following details with values specific to your environment.

    • #TUXEDO-BANK-APP-IMAGE: Provide details of the Tuxedo application image that you have uploaded to the docker container. For example, iad.ocir.io/mytenancy/xa/tuxedo-app-xa:v1.
    • 2345 is a port in the Tuxedo host for which you have set up the required networking rules to permit traffic.
  4. In the deployment descriptor for the accounts service, modify the value for the departmentTwoEndpoint environment variable to the value you have specified for the SALT_TMM_CALLBACK_ADDR environment variable.
    name: departmentTwoEndpoint
    value: http://dept2:2345
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Back up the values.yaml file, which is located in the installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/samples/xa/helmcharts/transfer folder, in a different location outside the transfer folder.
  7. Replace the values for dept2 with the content provided below.
      name: dept2
      host: dept2
      version: v1
      gatewayUriPrefix: /dept2/
      rewriteUriPrefix: /
      destinationHost: dept2
  8. Save your changes.

After modifying the sampleapps.yaml and values.yaml files, install the XA sample application using Helm. Helm deploys the Tuxedo bank app container in the Kubernetes cluster along with the other sample apps for XA. After installing the sample application, run an XA transaction. For information about installing and running the sample application, see the readme.md file located in the xa folder in the microtx-samples GitHub repository.

After you successfully install and run the sample application, your environment is ready for you to create and run your own Tuxedo applications.