All Classes and Interfaces

The Bad request exception is throws if there is any error in request input while making calls to TMM(MicroTx) coordinator.
Provide a list of TCC participant information which are called to Cancel the updates associated with the current transaction
TCC Cancel Response
Provide a list of TCC participant information which are called to Confirm the updates associated with the current transaction
TCC Confirm Response
EclipseLinkXADataSourceConnector is the JNDIConnector code customized to get XA Connection In future release, if JNDIConnector class code changes, same needs to be reflected here too.
Annotation to specific a non XA resource This annotation can be specified on a class or on method(s) or Class Fields or Local variable
Non XA Exception thrown by OTMM(MicroTx)
The NonXAResource interface is a Java mapping of the Logging Last Resource(LLR) which is not a xa resource and need to participate in the XA transaction
TCC annotation is to markup when to start/join the TCC transaction.
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while initializing the client or in processing the request/response from coordinator
TccTransaction - Helper class to execute current tcc transactions
This exception is thrown when an error occurs communicating with the transaction coordinator
This exception is thrown when a confirm or cancel request fails with a heuristic outcome
TccParticipantTransaction - TCC Participant attributes
TccTransaction - Interface for managing a TCC transaction
TCC transaction state
TCC transaction status
This exception is thrown when a transaction isn't known by the coordinator
The Too Many Requests exception is thrown if the number of allowed transactions exceeds the allowed limit.
TrmConfig - reads configuration parameters set in a properties file ( Must Parameters: oracle.tmm.TcsUrl (transaction coordinator url) Optional Parameters: oracle.tmm.TransactionTimeout (transaction timeout): Default is 60*1000 milli seconds and Maximum is as per configured value at coordinator.
OTMM(MicroTx) connection factory to create a connection to the database configured with TMM(MicroTx) Library
MicroTx EntityManager factory to create the Entity Manager to the database configured with MicroTX Library
Annotation to get a connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx).
The OTMM(MicroTx) user transaction defines the methods that allow an application to explicitly manage transaction boundaries.
JAX-RS Client builder configured with OTMM(MicroTx) specific configurations
Annotation to get a XA connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx).
XA connection factory to create a XA connection to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx)
SQL statement factory to create a SQL statement to the database configured with OTMM(MicroTx) Library