All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class to implement the lra state functions
Mark a method as to be a part of After LRA process
Marks a method as to be a part of Compensate LRA process
Marks a method as to be a part of Complete LRA process
Marks a method as to be a part of Forget the LRA process
Marks a method as to be a part of Leave the LRA process
Marks a method or a Type as to be a part of the LRA process initialization
ThreadLocal to store the LRA transaction Id
The config file that takes the configuration data from the application yaml file under microtx:lra .
Participant metadata
LRA state models
Headers propagated between Participant and Coordinator.
Return instance of an empty map
Propagated headers which can scan for allowed headers with any of the preconfigured prefixes.
Mark a method as to get the status of the LRA process