
Optional: Number of records to be listed.
Optional: Number of records to skip before the listing begins.
-i infile|-I indataset
The input file is either a ddname (infile) or a dsname (indataset).
-o ddname|-O dsname
Optional: The output file is either a ddname (outfile) or a dsname (outdataset) (default value: SYSPRINT)
Optional: Type of print (default value: DUMP).
CHAR: specifies each byte of a record is to be listed as character.
DUMP: specifies each byte of a record is to be printed in both hexadecimal and character format.
HEX: specifies each byte of a record is to be listed as hexadecimal digits.
-v volume
Indicates the output file volume. This option only works when file catalog is enabled in Batch Runtime.