2.3.2 Reference Page Command Syntax

Unless otherwise noted, commands described in the Synopsis section of a reference page accept options and other arguments according to the following syntax and must be interpreted as explained below.

name [ -option . . . ] [cmdarg . . . ]
where name is the name of an executable file and option is a string of one of the following two types: noargletter . . . or argletter optarg [, . . .]
An option is always preceded by a "-".
A single letter representing an option that requires no option-argument. More than one noargletter can be grouped after a "-" .
A character string that satisfies a preceding argletter. Multiple optargs following a single argletter must be separated by commas, or separated by white space and enclosed in quotes.
A pathname (or other command argument) that represents an operand of the command.
(dash) By itself means that additional arguments are provided in the standard input.
(two dashes) Means that what follows are arguments for a subordinate program.
[ ]
Surrounding an option or cmdarg, mean that the option or argument is not required.
{ }
Surrounding cmdargs that are separated by an or sign, mean that one of the choices must be selected if the associated option is used.
"OR" argument
. . .
Means that multiple occurrences of the option or cmdarg are permitted.