6.4.2 Field Descriptions

The client request or response messages contain the following fields.

Field Description
LL The length of the complete request or response message (including this field).
ZZ Reserved for use by IMS; normally zero.
TRAN-CODE For a request message, the transaction code of the TMA TCP for IMS gateway. For a response message, the transaction code of the IMS client response transaction.
FILL-CHAR Message fill character (space).
BEA-RESERVED-1 Reserved for use by TMA TCP for IMS. For a request message, this field must be initialized to binary zero (low values).
HEADER-LENGTH The length of the BEA request/response header.
CONTEXT-LENGTH The length of user context data, if any. If there is no context data, the length is set to zero.
DATA-LENGTH The length of user request or response data, if any. If there is no request or response data, the length is set to zero.
MAX-RESPONSE-LENGTH For a request, the maximum length of user response data that can be accepted. If the response data exceeds this length, it is truncated as necessary and appropriate return codes are set.
REQUEST-TYPE For a request, indicates whether or not a response is required.

If no response is required, TMA TCP for IMS schedules the specified response transaction as soon as the request has been sent to the remote system.

Otherwise, the response transaction is scheduled when the required response has been received from the remote system.


For a request, specifies the type or response message format desired.

If the single segment option is specified (the default), TMA TCP for IMS inserts the complete response message into the IMS message queue as a single message segment.

If the multi-segment option is requested, the response message is inserted into the IMS message queue in three separate segments.

  1. response header
  2. user context data
  3. user response data
ERROR-CODE This field is set in the response message to indicate that an error occurred. If this field is zero, the request successfully processed. Otherwise, the error code indicates the nature of the error that occurred. Error codes are documented in the Error and Reason Codes
REASON-CODE For certain kinds of errors, this field may be set to provide additional information about the error. If this field is zero, no additional information is available. Reason Codes are documented in the Error and Reason Codes
SERVICE-NAME Specifies the name of the service (as locally defined to TMA TCP for IMS) that processes the request. Note that the local service name may not be the same as the remote system name.
RESPONSE-TRAN The name of the transaction (IMS transaction code) that is to be scheduled to process the response to a request. A response transaction must be specified for all requests, even if an application-level response is not required.
ORIGIN-TERMINAL The name of the terminal (IMS LTERM) associated with this request. For example, if the request is issued by a transaction processing a terminal message, this name is the name of the associated terminal.
BEA-RESERVED-2 Reserved for use by TMA TCP for IMS. For a request message, this field must be initialized to binary zero (low values).
USER-CONTEXT-DATA This user-defined data area is preserved by TMA TCP for IMS and returned in the response message. This data can be used for any purpose; for example, the response transaction can use this data to correlate the response with the original request. The context data, if present, must immediately follow the BEA request header with no intervening (slack) bytes.
USER-REQUEST-DATA For a request message, user-defined data specific to the request. The request data, if present, must immediately follow the context data (if any), with no intervening (slack) bytes.
USER-RESPONSE-DATA For a response message, the user-defined data specific to the response. The response data, if any, must immediately follow the context data (if any) with no intervening (slack) bytes.