Including NULL Characters in String Length Calculations

When you create VIEW definitions for input and output buffers that are used by IMS applications, do not specify extra characters for terminating NULL characters that are used in string fields.

For example, when a remote IMS application program expects 10 characters in an input record, specify 10 for that field, not 10 plus 1 (for the terminating NULL character).


NULL-terminated, it respects NULL termination. Therefore, when TMA TCP Gateway detects a NULL (zero) character within a string, it does not process any subsequent characters. To pass full 8-bit data that contains embedded NULL values, use a CARRAY type field or buffer.

The character set translations performed by TMA TCP Gateway are fully localizable, in accordance with the X/Open XPG Portability Guides. ASCII and EBCDIC translations are loadable from message files. The TMA TCP Gateway product contains default behaviors that should meet the requirements of most English-language applications. However, you may find it necessary to customize tables. For complete instructions, see Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Gateway User Guide.