6.6 ART for CICS Integration Consideration

Tuxedo ATMI applications are mostly in C while ART for CICS applications are in COBOL; though both C and COBOL use the same VIEW32 definitions, there are two major differences.

  • In C, the size of long type is 8 bytes; in COBOL, the size of long type is usually 4 bytes.
  • C has an alignment requirement while COBOL does not.

Consequently, when it comes to ART for CICS integration, viewc32 needs two special compile flags. For example, on Linux,

CFLAGS="-m32 -fpack-struct=1" viewc32 myview.v

"-m32" is specified to use 32-bit long for COBOL "S9(9) COMP", and "-fpack-struct=1" is specified for non-alignment for COBOL. Ensure that only GWSNAX can use the VIEW32 binary (other C applications cannot use it).

In terms of ART for CICS integration, GWSNAX -t parameter can be omitted or set as "-t 4", for the null terminator is not required.