6.4.2 Code Page Translation Tables

The Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software includes translation tables that enable conversions between ASCII character sets and EBCDIC character sets. The code pages provide 12 standardized tables to facilitate operations between ATMI applications using the Latin-1 ASCII code set (CP-00819) and host applications using a national language code set.

Each translation table consists of two mapping tables, one for outbound conversions (ATMI platform-to-host) and one for inbound conversions (host to ATMI platform). You do not have to specify the direction of a translation. You only need to determine the national language in which the host application is written. The following figure illustrates code page translation.

Figure 6-1 Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Code Page Translation

Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Code Page Translation Diagram

The figure demonstrates how an ATMI application using the Latin-1 ASCII code page CP-00819 character set operates with a host application using German EBCDIC code page CP-00273. The Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA translation table 00819x00273 provides both the inbound and outbound conversions.