6.1.1 Uninstalling Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP in GUI-Mode

The following steps show uninstallation process in GUI mode.

  1. Invoke uninstall TMA introduction panel:

    Go to <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin, run runInstaller.sh on Unix/Linux platform. You can completely remove Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP 22c Release 1 ( just by clicking "Deinstall Products”.

  2. Inventory panel:

    Select products and click Remove to remove those products from your system.

    At the beginning, you may not see any product from Inventory panel. That is because your central inventory pointer (/etc/oraInst.loc or) is not set up. You will not get the installed product list unless you navigate to a couple of pages where you select the central inventory location and come back to the first page and then select Installed products.


    Do not choose "Oracle Universal Installer " if you just want to uninstall Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP; otherwise, all the Tuxedo components are uninstalled.
  3. Confirm panel:

    To remove the products, click Yes in the Confirmation dialog. Click No to cancel the removal.

  4. Uninstall complete panel:

    After uninstall finishes, this panel appears and reports whether it is successful.

  5. Inventory panel:

    Check the product list from Inventory, finding if the product is already uninstall successfully.