4.5.1 Enabling Data Area Security

Complete the following tasks to enable data area security.

  1. Add fields to the user’s data area on the local and remote hosts. These fields are passed to and from the mainframe host. For the field formats, refer to the listing in topic Format
  2. Set WRAP=TPSD in the FOREIGN section corresponding to the remote host in the GWICONFIG file. For syntax and parameter definitions for the FOREIGN section of the GWICONFIG file, refer to Defining the FOREIGN section of the GWICONFIG File
  3. Populate the data area with the user information before sending a request to a remote service.
  4. The remote user’s information is populated into the data area when a request is received for a local service. If using a VIEW data format, allocate the extra fields before the application data as defined in refer to the listing in topic Format. If using the STRING data format, allocate 24 additional bytes at the beginning of the string to be used for the security fields.