2.3.13 Transactional ATMI Conversational Client to Host CPI-C, Server Gets Control

Figure 2-33 DMCONFIG File Entry


  1. ATMI client invokes toupsrv service.
  2. The toupsrv service issues tpbegin to start the transaction.
  3. The toupsrv service issues a tpconnect service request for SIMPCPIC, which is advertised in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section of the DMCONFIG file. Data is sent in the idata buffer on the tpconnect.
  4. The remote service with tpname TPNCPIC invokes TOUPCPIC program.
  5. The server accepts the conversation with the cmaccp call. The conversation ID returned on the request in convid is used for all other requests during this conversation.
  6. The cmrcv request receives the idatabuffer contents sent on the tpconnect for processing.
  7. The TOUPCPIC program processes the data.
  8. The cmsend returns the obuffer contents into the client’s tprecv odata buffer. The buffer contents may not be sent immediately.
  9. The cmsptr prepares the prepare-to-receive request with CM_PREP_TO_RECEIVE_CONFIRM. The cmptr request with CONFIRM indicates that the conversation is finished and is communicated to the tprecv as TPEV_SVCSUCC.
  10. The toupsrv issues the tpcommit to successfully complete the transaction and commit all updated resources. The cmrcv request receives the commit request and responds explicitly to the request with the SAA Resource/Recovery commit call srrcmit. The conversation is ended after the successful commit exchange.