C CRM Error Messages

The following Communications Resource Manager (CRM) messages can be displayed in the Tuxedo console window.

9001:ERROR <taskname> timed out with failCode <failcode>
  DESCRIPTION A conversation has timed out in the CRM with the stack return code of <failcode>. A timer event set to watch a conversation has expired.

<taskname> may appear as:

OB-Conversation #nn (<linkref>) tx #m <tranname>, or

IB-Conversation #nn (<linkref>) tx #m <tranname>


nn is an internal APPC conversation number and

m is the transaction context where -1 signifies non-transactional.

Outbound Conversation nnnn Link (<linkref>)

TCTXT (tctxt) Tran(<tranname>), or

Inbound Conversation nnnn Link (<linkref>)

TCTXT (tctxt) Tran(<tranname>)


nnnn is the CRM Logical Task Number and tctxt

is the transaction context, where FFFFFFFF

indicates non-transactional.

  ACTION Examine stderr and the ULOG for additional information concerning the failure.
9002:ERROR Unable to create APPC Server for %s.
  DESCRIPTION CRM was unable to instantiate the stack object due to an error.
  ACTION Check for additional messages in stderr. The shared library for the stack or the stack interface might not have been loaded due to an incorrect library path.
9003:ERROR Server Failed (<stackref>), Code = <returncode>
  DESCRIPTION CRM received a bad return code from the stack start-up.
  ACTION The <returncode> is the value returned by the SNA Stack software. Check the status of the stack, the configuration of the stack, and the gateway configuration.


Unless you started the CRM as a Tuxedo server, you must manually kill the CRM process.
9004:ERROR Configuration change on link <linkref> requires cold start
  DESCRIPTION Attempting to do a warm start after changing the domain configuration.
  ACTION Change start type to COLD and restart.
9005:WARNING Unrecovered transaction, TCTXT(%s), blob dropped. Transaction presumed forgotten.
  DESCRIPTION An attempt was make by Tuxedo to recover the specified transaction that was unknown by the CRM. It is presumed that it was already committed or aborted prior to the recovery attempt.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9006:ERROR Unable to start the recovery task for link <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION An error occurred during the warm start of Tuxedo.
  ACTION Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9008:WARNING Unknown tranid dropped, id=<tctxt>
  DESCRIPTION Recovery was requested by Tuxedo on a transaction that was already forgotten by the CRM.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9009:ERROR No blob with recovery request. Transaction dropped, id=<tctxt>
  DESCRIPTION Attempting to warm start after the CRMs BLOBLOG has been modified.
  ACTION Change start type to COLD and restart.
9010:ERROR <taskname> failed with failCode <failcode>
  DESCRIPTION A conversation has failed with the stack return code of <failcode>.

<taskname> may appear as:

Outbound Conversation nnnn Link <linkref>

TCTXT (<tctxt>) Tran <tranname>, or

Inbound Conversation nnnn Link <linkref>

TCTXT (<tctxt>) Tran <tranname>,


nnnn is the CRM Logical TAsk Number.

tctxt is the transaction context where

FFFFFFFF signifies non-transactional.

Possible values for the <failcode> are:
  1. Communications - unable to create the APPCserver object.
  2. MemoryAllocation - internal error allocating memory.
  3. InvalidObject - a CRM object could not be created or has been made invalid by some previous error.
  4. InputOutput - error occurred during file I/O or an unexpected APPC return code was received.
  5. Registration - internal task cannot be registered.
  ACTION Examine stderr and the ULOG for additional information concerning the failure. For failcode Input/Output, verify that the user starting the CRM process has the proper file permissions for the BLOBLOG and RSTRTLOG. If no apparent error is found, contact Oracle Customer Support.
9011:ERROR Attempt to connect as second master refused!
  DESCRIPTION A second GWSNAX is attempting to connect to the CRM as a master gateway. Only one master gateway is allowed.
  ACTION Ensure that multiple Tuxedo configurations do not use the same CRM address.
9012:ERROR Attempt to connect as master in autonomous mode refused!
  DESCRIPTION An attempt to connect to the CRM as a master gateway was made when the CRM was running in autonomous mode.
  ACTION Ensure that multiple Tuxedo configurations do not use the same CRM address.
9013:ERROR Attempt to connect with incorrect group name () refused!
  DESCRIPTION The group name in the gateway configuration file does not match the group name specified in the CRM command line.
  ACTION Correct the group name that is in error and restart.
9014:ERROR INTERNAL ERROR: memory allocation failed [for new context/data buffer]
  DESCRIPTION Internal error allocating memory. No more memory.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9015:ERROR INTERNAL ERROR: server registration failed
  DESCRIPTION Internal error registering the APPC server. APPC libraries not found. The stack failed.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9016:ERROR Link refers to undefined APPC stack (<stackref>)!
  DESCRIPTION The stackref in the link configuration is incorrect.
  ACTION Correct the stackref that is in error, run dmloadcf, and restart.
9017:ERROR INTERNAL ERROR: link registration failed
  DESCRIPTION Internal error registering the link. The stack failed.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9018:ERROR Invalid Transition <additional information>
  DESCRIPTION An internal state table failure has occurred. The <additional information> will be one of

the following:

  1. From <oldstate> to <newstate> for

    <dir>-bound transaction TCTXT<tid>

  2. To <newstate> for inbound transaction


  3. To <newstate> for outbound transaction


  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9019:ERROR Unknown Service Correlator = <correlator>, message dropped
  DESCRIPTION Internal error assigning service correlator values. Message context lost.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9020:ERROR Duplicate Service Correlator = <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION Internal error assigning service correlator values.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9021:ERROR Invalid Remote Link Name <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION The remote link name in a request does not match any defined link name.
  ACTION Correct the gateway configuration and restart.
9022:ERROR Invalid transaction context = <tctxt>
  DESCRIPTION Internal error assigning transaction context values. Bad transaction.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9023:ERROR Unknown Service Correlator = <correlator>, message dropped
  DESCRIPTION Internal error assigning service correlator values. Message context lost.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9024:ERROR Invalid initial syncpoint received from subordinate, TCTXT(%s)
  DESCRIPTION Syncpoint processing protocol violation. Subordinate member of conversation attempted to initiate a syncpoint. XA does not support syncpoints from subordinate members.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9025:ERROR Invalid Input Message Discarded
  DESCRIPTION Internal error, bad message sent between GWSNAX and CRM. Possibly incompatible Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway and CRM.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9026:ERROR CNOS Notification Received for unknown partner <partnerLU>
  DESCRIPTION Multiple instances of the CRM may be using the same local LU.
  ACTION Ensure that multiple Tuxedo configurations do not use the same local LU.
9027:WARNING Remote Stop Received for <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION The remote host has issued a stop for the specified link.
  ACTION None. This message for information only.
9028:WARNING Remote Start Received for <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION The remote host has issued a start for the specified link.
  ACTION None. This message for information only.
9029:ERROR Undefined Remote LU on link <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION The remote LU does not exist as defined.
  ACTION Check the gateway configuration file and the stack configuration and correct the mis-match.
9030:ERROR Unable to start session on link <linkref>. Reason=<reason>
  DESCRIPTION Link activation failure due to SNA error.
  ACTION <reason> is the description of the stack return code. Determine the cause and correct.
9031:ERROR Unable to initialize link <linkref>. Reason=<reason>
  DESCRIPTION Link initialization failure due to SNA error.
  ACTION <reason> is the description of the stack return code. Determine the cause and correct.
9032:ERROR No Available Session on link <linkref> for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION Max sessions has been exceeded.
  ACTION Check session limits in gateway configuration, stack configuration, CICS or VTAM. Increase if necessary.
9033:ERROR Requested Synclevel not supported by link <linkref> for context <correlator> (synclevel <level>)
  DESCRIPTION Attempted to issue a request at sync level <level> on a link that does not support that level.
  ACTION Correct application or gateway configuration.
9034:ERROR Service Request at SyncLevel=2 Rejected on PENDING link <linkref> for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION An attempt to start a new sync level 2 request has been received and the Link is currently processing recovery information.
  ACTION Wait until recovery is complete to request sync level 2 services.
9035:ERROR Inbound Request Transform Failed (<status>) for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while processing the CICS transform for an inbound DPL request. This normally occurs when the API entry in the gateway configuration for the local service specifies CICS instead of ATMI.
  ACTION Check gateway configuration for incorrect specification of local service API entry.
9036:ERROR Inbound Response Transform Failed (<status>) for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while processing the CICS transform for an inbound DPL response. This normally occurs when the API entry in the gateway configuration for the local service specifies CICS instead of ATMI.
  ACTION Check gateway configuration for incorrect specification of local service API entry.
9037:ERROR Outbound Request Transform Failed (<status>) for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while processing the CICS transform for an outbound DPL request. This normally occurs when the API entry in the gateway configuration for the remote service specifies CICS instead of ATMI.
  ACTION Check gateway configuration for incorrect specification of local service API entry.
9038:ERROR Outbound Response Transform Failed (<status>) for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while processing the CICS transform for an outbound DPL response. This normally occurs when the API entry in the gateway configuration for the remote service specifies CICS instead of ATMI.
  ACTION Check gateway configuration for incorrect specification of local service API entry.
9039:ERROR Conversation terminated without confirm for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION Sync level 2 conversation was terminated with out confirm.
  ACTION Check application program and correct
9040:ERROR Inbound Confirm not supported
  DESCRIPTION Host application is requesting an inbound confirm. This is not supported.
  ACTION Check host application program and correct.
9041:ERROR Inbound Confirm for multi-ISRT not supported
  DESCRIPTION Host IMS application is requesting an inbound confirm and using multiple ISRT commands. This is not supported.
  ACTION Check host application program and correct.
9043:ERROR Missing send last from host (ATMI request/response) for context <correlator>
  DESCRIPTION Host application did not issue send last during an outbound request/response service. The host application may have abended.
  ACTION Check application program and correct.
9044:ERROR DPL program abended with CICS code <abendcode>, program=<progname>
  DESCRIPTION The specified host DPL program has abended with the code specified.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9045:ERROR DPL program failed with CICS rcode <eibrcode>, program=<progname>
  DESCRIPTION The specified host DPL program has failed with the eibrcode specified.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9046:ERROR Invalid combination for Service Context <correlator>, <combination>
  DESCRIPTION The specified <combination> is invalid. It will be one of the following:
  1. Sync-Level, function, and API
  2. Function and API
  ACTION Examine the gateway configuration and make corrections.
9047:ERROR Sequence number error for Service Context <correlator>, seqno <seqno>
  DESCRIPTION There has been a sequence number failure for the specified context. Context is out of sequence.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9048:ERROR Invalid conversation task for Service Context <correlator>, task=<task>
  DESCRIPTION The conversation has already been terminated.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9049:ERROR Invalid task switch for Service Context <correlator>, from <task1> to <task2>
  DESCRIPTION An internal protocol violation has occurred.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9050:ERROR Transformer creation failed for inbound transaction <trancode>
  DESCRIPTION An internal error has occurred. Possibly out of memory.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9051:ERROR Transformer failed for inbound transaction <trancode>
  DESCRIPTION An internal error has occurred. Resource name is not present. Mainframe compatibility problem.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support.
9052:WARNING Inter-task Message dropped (<verbname>), parm=<parm> From: <task1> to <task2>
  DESCRIPTION An internal message between two tasks has been dropped.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9053:ERROR Attempt to send <nnnnn> bytes (> 32767)
  DESCRIPTION The length of a send request exceeded 32767 (including overhead).
  ACTION Check application program and correct.
9054:ERROR Allocation Failure for <trancode> on <remotesysid>: <error>
  DESCRIPTION An Allocation error occurred.
  ACTION The reason for the failure is described by <error> . Correct problem with configuration or application.
9055:ERROR Invalid Exchange Logs GDS variable received from <remotesysid>
  DESCRIPTION The log files for the CRM have been incorrectly modified.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9056:ERROR Invalid cold start received from <remotesysid>. Unrecovered local transactions are pending.
  DESCRIPTION Attempting to cold start host while warm starting Tuxedo.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9057:ERROR Invalid warm start received from <remotesysid> . Unknown log name.
  DESCRIPTION The log files for the CRM have been incorrectly modified.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9058:ERROR Invalid Compare States GDS variable received from <remotesysid>
  DESCRIPTION The log files for the CRM have been incorrectly modified.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9059:ERROR Mixed Heuristic on link <linkref> for <unitofwork> Correlator [<correlator>]
  DESCRIPTION One side has reported committed while the other side has reported aborted.
  ACTION Check the ULOG for any additional messages.
9060:WARNING Inbound Exchange Logs Rejected for <remotesysid>
  DESCRIPTION Link not configured for sync level 2.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9061:WARNING Link <linkref> not configured for sync level 2
  DESCRIPTION Link specified by <linkref> is not configured for sync level 2.
  ACTION None. This message is for information only.
9062:ERROR Exchange Logs Rejected for <remotesysid>, Restart Type or Log Name Mismatch
  DESCRIPTION The log files for the CRM have been incorrectly modified.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9063:ERROR Exchange Logs failed with <linkref>
  DESCRIPTION An error occurred during the exchange logs process.
  ACTION Run CRMLOGS to examine the CRM log file. Cold start the Tuxedo application.
9064:ERROR Invalid initial syncpoint received from subordinate, <member>
  DESCRIPTION An internal error has occurred during the commit process. XA does not support syncpoints originating from subordinate members.
  ACTION Contact Oracle Customer Support
9069 ERROR CRM encryption setup failed
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while establishing link-level encryption with the CRM.
  ACTION Verify that the setup of encryption on both sides of the link is correct. Verify that there are common encryption levels in the ranges specified on the process command lines. Verify that the correct encryption libraries are installed.
9072 ERROR Attempted access by unauthorized CRM client
  DESCRIPTION A client has attempted to access the CRM without the proper authentication or encryption setup.
  ACTION Verify that the client should have access to the CRM. Verify that encryption is set up correctly in both the CRM and the client, and that the correct security add-on packages are installed. Verify that the authentication file is set up correctly, and that both the CRM and the client have correct access privileges.
9073 ERROR CRM authentication setup failed
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while authenticating a CRM client.
  ACTION Verify that the authentication file(s) for both the CRM and the client are set up correctly, and that both have correct access privileges. Verify that the authentication file is specified correctly on both command lines.
9074 ERROR CRM Logical Unit %s is probably inactive or unconfigured
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while connecting to the APPC stack.
  ACTION Verify that the CRM Logical Unit name is correct and is defined and active in both the stack and VTAM configuration
9075 WARNING WARN: Synclevel on link %s
  DESCRIPTION The configured Synclevel could not be negotiated.
  ACTION Verify that the Remote LU is configured for the correct synclevel.
9076 ERROR CRM Logical Unit %s is probably the wrong type
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while connecting to the APPC stack.
  ACTION Verify that the CRM Logical Unit is correctly configured.
9077 ERROR CRM Logical Unit %s is already in use
  DESCRIPTION An error has occurred while connecting to the APPC stack.
  ACTION Verify that the CRM Logical Unit is not in use by another application.
9079 ERROR CRM client message rejected -- incompatible software/protocol version (CRMAPI RC=%s)
  DESCRIPTION A CRM client has attempted to communicate with the CRM, but the client is at a software version level that is incompatible with and unsupported by the CRM.
  ACTION The CRM rejects the message and terminates the connection. Check the version levels of the CRM and the client to ensure compatibility.
9080 ERROR Gateway Signon request rejected -- CRM disconnect in progress
  DESCRIPTION The CRM is in the process of stopping all links and de-configuring, and is not able to accept a new Signon request at this time.
  ACTION The Signon request is rejected. When the CRM has completed disconnect processing and returned to the reset state, retry the Signon request.
9081 ERROR Failure occurred during Rollback of %s, remote resources may not be backed out
  DESCRIPTION An Error occurred while performing BACKEDOUT processing. Remote resources may not be backed out
  ACTION Check mainframe application transaction logs to determine the cause and take the appropriate action.
9082 INFO Unable to determine if the transaction was committed on the partner side, possible heuristic situation
  DESCRIPTION Failed to determine the state of the global transaction due to a partial resynchronization.
  ACTION Examine the CRM traces for more information concerning the reason for the failure. Check the CICS logs to see the transaction status.