2.2 Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a UNIX System

To start the GUI-mode installation process on a UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a UNIX system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in Hardware and Software Prerequisites.
  2. Log in to the UNIX system as the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA administrator.
  3. Ensure that you have enough free space for the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA installation.
  4. Install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA by downloading from the Oracle Web site:
    1. Go to http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/index.html and download the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 22c Release 1 ( installation file specific to your platform.
    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer, unzip the installer file, and then go to the Disk1\install directory, run the runInstaller.sh to invoke the installation procedure.


    GUI mode is the default for Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 22c Release 1 ( installation. If a GUI interface is not available on your Unix platform, you will receive an error message and the installation process is aborted.

    If a GUI interface is not available on your Unix platform, you must use silent mode installation. For more information, see What Is Silent Installation?.

  5. Proceed to Running GUI-Mode Installation .