1.4.2 Temporary Storage Space Requirements

The Oracle Installation program uses a temporary directory in which it extracts the files from the archive that are needed to install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA on the target system. During the installation process, your temporary directory must contain sufficient space to accommodate the compressed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) bundled with the installer and an uncompressed copy of the JRE that is expanded into the temporary directory. The installation program moves the JRE from the temporary directory to the Oracle Home directory at the end of the installation process. For information about the Oracle Home directory, see Installation Road Map.

By default, the installation program uses the temporary directories shown in the following table.

Table 1-1 Temporary Directories

Platform Directory
UNIX /tmp

To ensure there is adequate temporary space, you may want to allocate an alternate directory for use as a temporary directory for the installation. To do so, perform the appropriate step in the following table and clean up files as more as possible in the temporary directory before starting the Oracle Installation program.

Table 1-2 Perform This Step

On This Platform... Perform This Step...
UNIX Enter the following command at the shell prompt: export IATEMPDIR=tmpdirname

Replace tmpdirname with the name of a temporary directory of your choice.