1 Section 3c - C Functions

Name Description
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface Provides an introduction to the C language ATMI
AEMsetblockinghook(3c) Establishes an application-specific blocking hook function
AEOaddtypesw(3c) Installs or replaces a user-defined buffer type at execution time
AEPisblocked(3c) Determines if a blocking call is in progress
AEWsetunsol(3c) Posts Windows message for Oracle Tuxedo ATMI unsolicited event
buffer(3c) Semantics of elements in tmtype_sw_t
catgets(3c) Reads a program message
catopen, catclose(3c) Opens/closes a message catalogue
decimal(3c) Decimal conversion and arithmetic routines
getURLEntityCacheDir(3c) Gets the absolute path to the location where the DTD, Schemas, and Entity files are cached. It specifies a particular Xerces parser class method.
getURLEntityCaching(3c) Gets the caching mechanism for the DTD, schemas, and Entity files. It specifies a particular Xerces parser class method.
gp_mktime(3c) tm structure to a calendar time
nl_langinfo(3c) Language information
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c) Allocates memory within the RPC stub
rpc_sm_client_free, rpc_ss_client_free(3c) Frees memory returned from a client stub
rpc_sm_disable_allocate, rpc_ss_disable_allocate(3c) Releases resources and allocated memory within the stub memory management scheme
rpc_sm_enable_allocate, rpc_ss_enable_allocate(3c) Enables the stub memory management environment
rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c) Frees memory allocated by the rpc_sm_allocate() routine
rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(3c) Sets the memory allocation and freeing mechanisms used by the client stubs
rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free(3c) Exchanges current memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by client stubs with one supplied by client
setlocale(3c) Modifies and queries a program’s locale
setURLEntityCacheDir(3c) Sets the directory where the DTD, schemas, and Entity files are to be cached. It specifies a particular Xerces parser class method.
setURLEntityCaching(3c) Turns caching on or off for DTD, schema, and Entity files by default. It specifies a particular Xerces parser class method.
strerror(3c) Gets error message string
strftime(3c) Converts date and time to string
tpabort(3c) Routine for aborting current transaction
tpacall(3c) Routine for sending a service request
tpadmcall(3c) Administers unbooted application
tpadvertise(3c) Routine for advertising a service name
tpadvertisex(3c) Routine for advertising a service with unique service name in a domain, or advertising a service on the secondary request queue of a Tuxedo server.
tpalloc(3c) Routine for allocating typed buffers
tpappthrinit(3c) Routine for creating and initializing a new Tuxedo context in an application-created server thread
tpappthrterm(3c) Routine for terminating Tuxedo application-created context in a server process
tpatz(3c) Controls resource access
tpbegin(3c) Routine for beginning a transaction
tpbroadcast(3c) Routine to broadcast notification by name
tpcacheget(3c) Get the Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer associated with the key from a cache
tpcachemremove(3c) Remove cache entries associated with the parameter keyarray from a cache
tpcacheput(3c) Put an Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer into a cache, associating that buffer with a key
tpcacheremove(3c) Remove the cache entry associated with the parameter key from a cache
tpcacheremoveall(3c) Remove all cache entries from a cache
tpcall(3c) Routine for sending service request and awaiting its reply
tpcancel(3c) Routine for canceling a call descriptor for outstanding reply
tpchkauth(3c) Routine for checking if authentication required to join an application
tpchkunsol(3c) Routine for checking for unsolicited message
tpclose(3c) Routine for closing a resource manager
tpcommit(3c) Routine for committing current transaction
tpconnect(3c) Routine for establishing a conversational service connection
tpconvert(3c) Converts structures to/from string representations
tpconvmb(3c) Converts encoding of characters in an input buffer to a named target encoding
tpcryptpw(3c) Encrypts application password in administrative request
tpdequeue(3c) Routine to dequeue a message from a queue
tpdiscon(3c) Routine for taking down a conversational service connection
tpenqueue(3c) Routine to enqueue a message
tpenvelope(3c) Accesses the digital signature and encryption information associated with a typed message buffer
tperrordetail(3c) Gets additional detail about an error generated from the last Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system call
tpexport(3c) Converts a typed message buffer into an exportable, machine-independent string representation, that includes digital signatures and encryption seals
tpfml32toxml(3c) Converts FML32 buffer data to XML buffer data
tpfmltoxml(3c) Converts FML buffer data to XML buffer data
tpforward(3c) Routine for forwarding a service request to another service routine
tpfree(3c) Routine for freeing a typed buffer
tpgblktime(3c) Routine for returning a previously set, per second or millisecond nontransactional blocktime value
tpgetcache(3c) Get an Oracle Tuxedo Cache handle according to the configuration
tpgetadmkey(3c) Gets administrative authentication key
tpgetcallinfo(3c) Routine for retrieving call path message monitoring attributes
tpgetctxt(3c) Retrieves a context identifier for the current application association
tpgetlev(3c) Routine for checking if a transaction is in progress
tpgetmbenc(3c) Gets the code-set encoding name from a typed buffer
tpgetrepos(3c) Routine for retrieving service and parameter information from a Tuxedo repository file.
tpgetrply(3c) Routine for getting a reply from a previous request
tpgprio(3c) Routine for getting a service request priority
tpimport(3c) Converts an exported representation back into a typed message buffer
tpinit(3c) Joins an application
tpkey_close(3c) Closes a previously opened key handle
tpkey_getinfo(3c) Gets information associated with a key handle
tpkey_open(3c) Opens a key handle for digital signature generation, message encryption, or message decryption
tpkey_setinfo(3c) Sets optional attribute parameters associated with a key handle
tpnotify(3c) Routine for sending notification by client identifier
tpopen(3c) Routine for opening a resource manager
tppost(3c) Posts an event
tprealloc(3c) Routine to change the size of a typed buffer
tprecv(3c) Routine for receiving a message in a conversational connection
tpresume(3c) Resumes a global transaction
tpreturn(3c) Routine for returning from a service routine
tprmclose(3c) Routines for close a specified RM configured in a multiple RMs server group.
tprmend(3c) Routines for end current work performed on behalf of a transaction branch in a specified RM.
tprmopen(3c) Routines for open a specified RM configured in a *RMS section which is associated with a multiple RMs server group.
tprmstart(3c) Routines for start work on behalf of a transaction branch of specified RM in a MRM server
tpsblktime(3c) Routine for setting nontransactional blocktime values, in seconds or milliseconds, for the next service call or for all service calls used per context
tpscmt(3c) Routine for setting when tpcommit() should return
tpseal(3c) Marks a typed message buffer for encryption
tpsend(3c) Routine for sending a message in a conversational connection
tpservice(3c) Template for service routines
tpsetcallinfo(3c) Routine for adding out-of-band information to a Tuxedo request
tpsetctxt(3c) Sets a context identifier for the current application association
tpsetmbenc(3c) Sets the code-set encoding name for a typed buffer
tpsetrepos(3c) Adds, edits, or deletes service and parameter information from a Tuxedo Service Metadata repository file
tpsetunsol(3c) Sets the method for handling unsolicited messages
tpsign(3c) Marks a typed message buffer for digital signature
tpsprio(3c) Routine for setting service request priority
tpstrerror(3c) Gets error message string for an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system error
tpstrerrordetail(3c) Gets error detail message string for an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system
tpsubscribe(3c) Subscribes to an event
tpsuspend(3c) Suspends a global transaction
tpsvrdone(3c) Terminates an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server
tpsvrinit(3c) Initializes an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server
tpsvrthrdone(3c) Terminates an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server thread
tpsvrthrinit(3c) Initializes an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server thread
tpterm(3c) Leaves an application
tptypes(3c) Routine to determine information about a typed buffer
tpunadvertise(3c) Routine for unadvertising a service name
tpunsubscribe(3c) Unsubscribes to an event
tputrace(3c) User-defined routine to provide trace information
tpxmltofml32(3c) Converts XML buffer data to FML32 buffer data
tpxmltofml(3c) Converts XML buffer data to FML buffer data
TRY(3c) Exception-returning interface
tuxgetenv(3c) Returns value for environment name
tuxgetmbaconv(3c) Gets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment
tuxgetmbenc(3c) Gets the code-set encoding name for environment variable TPMBENC in the process environment
tuxputenv(3c) Changes or adds value to environment
tuxreadenv(3c) Adds variables to the environment from a file
tuxsetmbaconv(3c) Sets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment
tuxsetmbenc(3c) Sets the code-set encoding name for environment variable TPMBENC in the process environment
tuxthrputenv(3c) Changes or adds an environment variable for the current thread
tx_begin(3c) Begins a global transaction
tx_close(3c) Closes a set of resource managers
tx_commit(3c) Commits a global transaction
tx_info(3c) Returns global transaction information
tx_open(3c) Opens a set of resource managers
tx_rollback(3c) Rolls back a global transaction
tx_set_commit_return(3c) Sets commit_return characteristic
tx_set_transaction_control(3c) Sets transaction_control characteristic
tx_set_transaction_timeout(3c) Sets transaction_timeout characteristic
userlog(3c) Writes a message to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system central event log
Usignal(3c) Signal handling in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system environment
Uunix_err(3c) Prints UNIX system call error